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What do we need releases cycles for,

Everything is modular

Ppl can just push when they feel lik it

I wanna make the packager use

Share /filepath to package


Uppies /filepath

To upload it

Bc the project is called share



Its time for torture, princess


Like that girl

Wasnt subtle

She was posing noticed she got attention and was sunbathing in it

Short but firm Eyconntact with the 2 guys watching but not watching

You could see her go

I like this, who else..

And eventually ended up with me

Like you could read her inner monolog from her face

Like as was her reaction, rather unsubtle

Its so interesting how odd girls can reach in social spaces, without anyone betting a eye

Like i have seen girls move latteraly threw companies bc they see something interesting, usually a guy

Suddenly shifts get shifted and they appear wherever like nothing happened

So interesting


I am using elixer bc functional programming

First basically has no bugs, so is really reliable

And you don’t have to use as much recursion

You can can actually make piplines

Via the functional opperators , Which make sense

And then apply filters to those piplines

Also you can go without much complexity to APIs,dB’s etc,and then use a pipeline to organize and modify everything

F# is Microsoft dotnet code, so I avoid that

I am using # language level stuff,BC it actually makes things easyer

,but trying not to use dotnet

Like the comprehension of logical steps is more intuitive ,which makes larger systems more feasabel



We dont actually change the core code

We add modules

Core stays as it is,

We make tools which attach to core

So we dont end up with a big code base, everything is tokenized into chunks

For instance, automatically letting the code pay the server bill

Thats not a feature its a module

Core does not get more features

The features come seperately

And users can mix and match

So thats what will be in the release cycles as a payload

So one person can write a module

While another person does another module

Like write a small packager to set up file structure or something

So like idk, posy may not like gpt, so she writes a module for fedi integration

While i do gpt integration

Everyone can just pick what they like to work on that day

Bc there is a internal value cycle

And a external one, actually lets male that a module, so we just have core


I will make that into like a road map diagram

We are at the start of phase 2

Phase 3 is where we give it to the open source ppl to test and rinker with

From there, we have update cycles

Like i would like to define them as pre cycles

So if we are in cycle 12

We will be working on cycle 14 or 15

So we have a pre delay in there to balance out temporal disparatys or if something comes up

Like i will take inspiration from the rust ppl

And push quite continously

Meaning shorter but more often release cycles with fewer updates

It should keep our workload manageble and if not, there is temporal recursive buffer to balance out

We have deadlines

But shattering them is not as big of a deal

, bc that code will go outbound 3 cycles later and if not, we are updating in short intervals, the main workload is distributed out a lot so having to do more if something is urgent or overdrafted will just result in a workload less than other company’s normal release cycle with bigger intervals

Ill make a diagram



Girls are definitely aware of the perfection image

Bc as a trans person they are checking for that

Like they are happy to include, but they wanna gage where they are at and how they should act

Like it was one of the points voiced by the feminists

That young girls are socially molded from a young age to be responsible

Like if you have a playground situation, and a guy and a girl are playing the same thing

The girl will be expected to have a nurturing responsibility over the guy

Like guys are guys, they can be stupi, they are like male cats, they come and then are gone for 2 weeks wherever

They do that, they wont stay put

Its a key function of testosterone, that push

But as a girl you now need to fill in for that and take that responsibility

And their point was that that is put in early

And makes no sense bc both in that scenario are kids which shouldn’t have to deal with it, especially 1 sided

I feel like its that impuls extraxted over time

Where girls will check the state of the other person, before picking which behavior they display

Like that is done bc of child bearing behavior later, but doesn’t the hormonal impuls already do that sufficiently, why is there a social reinforcer function on that

Still, certainly interesting



I understand the socials

I just have the luxury of pretending not to know

I get the calm of the socially odd girls

Without the stressig over the pretty girls

Like i know this entire game is even odd to older girls

Bc those girls are quick to include you in whatever is going on if they know you are aware enough to play

Like i am smart, which is usually not good bc it socially isolates girls

So like I dont understand and see where in that hierarchy i naturally end up in

And then i can reinforce that with the gossip about the other internal peer group


Btw something else i noticed

Trans mtf seem to do hard in female spaces

Especially bc there are a lot of pretty girls

, like duh, but like

Males get scared of pretty females, especially when they on 1 spot

So like the learned response is, naaaah i am not going in there

Like its quite funny

Like me as a example, bc its so nurture based social stuff

Not making lsd and like not a shy guy

But i wouldn’t go anywhere near looking for makeup in a store without my gf at the time

And it confused her too

Like you are not shy, why are you suddenly scared

But like its really trained in to like give girls space there

Like it was no issue like the 3rd time when i realized, i could just be a good bf and be getting stuff for my gf

Like it explains why i am lost for choice, like i look at my phone like a have a list

Like now i dont care, like girls do this thing where they check if you react to the reflex of looking away at tits

Like that has just vanished with the hormones, so i dont give it a second thaught

Like while i was at ef

Waiting for the bus to get to the messe zentrum

There was a girl posing fishing for attention

And i was not giving attention, and she was wondering

Looks at me, i look at her, look at her butt which she was presenting quite prominently

look her back in the eyes and give a look of approval, mind my business again

It confused the hell out of her

Bc like i am missing the guy reflex

She was following me on the bus, like staring like she just saw a ghost

Till i got out

Like she was not subtle, she wanted a answer

Like i get the same reaction but am overcoming them rather fast

But like to get back to the point

Like i feel like thats whats making the most trouble there

Like target democratic other trans mtf

Like its a male fear which doesnt apply to females

Like as a female you have other fears regarding those pretty and smart females

But they usually nice

Like i had that, bc i dated a bigger girl and a more socially hyper pretty girl

Like hyper had curled hair, and the other females didn’t respond too well for instance in a supermarket, bc that girl was pretty

Later i was with a bigger girl

Like socially inverted placement, like i fluid hyrarchys,

And i saw her get mad at such a pretty girl with curls

And like, she hated that girl she never met

Like so curious

Like the hyper girl didn’t do anything but exist

Like both sides are in a, Gradients, interplay without real resolve

Bc the bigger girl will never get the same the hyper has

But whats the hyper gonna do

So hyper doest like big , bc they fuming about their existence, while big is fuming about them not interacting and jelly

Like huh thats funny, so paradox

Like as someone “new” to that thats probably hella confusing

I just know it bc i saw both sides

That may also be something of interest


I put that down as a health expense



I still want gummys again

Those are perfect, low price,

90% of whats bad about weed is side effects from smoking it

So like this, is a perfect drug

You smell nice, and like all the things of not smoking, but are in effect high

Its socially good, bc there is no open consumption behavior

Its just mot available bc weed is illegal

Prohibition is actively keeping ppl from beeing more healthy



Letter is done i will get a energy later and drop it off somewhere

Paper is filled out, i need to give it to mine, to give it to la lord

To give it to mine to give it to la me :p

Appointment at the hairdresser is done too

Like i put buying drugs at the end as a reward

Like i feel like i am confusing mine a bit

Bc it takes forever till i buy drugs, but if they are there i smoke more than mine

Like i dont have good self control

My buying is just conditional response delayed

I feel bad buying weed all the time, but buying weed as a reward for doing things

, gives me a fuzzy feeling of control over my addiction habits

Like i feel like mine is already confused why i never buy drugs

Like i buy drugs, after i have done these 20 things

And then if i have it, its gone before you can look

So like i never actually have drugs, bc i take them all, and i never buy them bc i have things to do

But obv love to be high

I just saw the pattern earlier and linked it to my budgets

So i can use the spending inhibitor i already have, on the spending pattern of buying drugs

And thereby leverage out addiction behavior

Like this requires 20 things you care more about than the addictive substance

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