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That’s also how I came to furries

Bc I was doing porn sites and was looking for more target groups

And was like

These ppl are doing business, that sounds fun

Like there are many social groups,but not many with a stable internal marketplace

Like that’s also why I don’t target group furries for anything commercial

Bc that was my first intent

But they actually had something cooler

Other ppl to do business with which don’t ask for your age,Bc you are a phantasy animal

And they are doing great from what I see ,vr avatar modeling was taken into the toolset

Like if I wanna get into vr dev

I already have a group of ppl who do that,or know how to do that



Interestingly enauth

While not dealing weed

Like long ago

Like it was interesting to watch

Bc cro was like from about the same region

And you randomly got updates about what he was doing

,like his profile on like a regional social media

Like proto modern social media, after blogs,

Fa layout type without the timeline really was just that area which really used it

Like I knew that pattern exists threw that guy

But like so interesting how social networks work

Like it was random info on the side while I was making porn sites

But like looking back,that might actually have been quite useful

Same with rapsta,Bc he from stuttgart

But not active anymore I think, that was some time ago

But like the person themselves never sees that growth


Its like a cat

Getting her 5 sec and randomly biting you

Like that but, that the 5 sec apppear more and more often as the seringe wears off

Like the hormones keep it from getting out of hand, but i am currently already double dosing

Like actually i am taking the recommended amount

But i halfed what the doc told me i should take

Just bc i am careful with drugs, from experience

Like it gets better, like more every cycle, but still remains root bound

And without meds, i am just in that cat 5 min state

I am the word and reformation was a self fulfilling profecy,

therefore i killed it to rebuild it

And that is my reason for everything

I just am and i do bc i am the I am

Like its lunatic fun, but not sustainable at all

Like ppl critized bc i use the term manic, especially on myself

But like, it is the most fitting description for the state

Like the ppl will fear everything, that shall not be my regard

But i would like to keep my internal consistency and lable things properly



I am competent enaugh so its basically not noticable, but a impuls is a impuls

Its by definition not under my control

Like usually it is tamed

But in this constellation it its barely, bc i lack the capacity for it

Its like with a functional addict

There are ppl livint their whole lifes, for instance taking heroine, and no one ever notices

Just bc they are generally still as functional as everyone else

Like you could say it’s impulse control, but i already know which cluster it is, its not 1 symptom, its a array of related symptoms all going back to the transgender thing, and the hormones seem the only thing which actually in practice fixes it

But i will try to like post less down things now~



I am slowly getting less air as the cycle progresses, meaning i am slowly choking

So my brain gets less air

Like that is the improvement, that i have somewhere to fall back into

Before that, that state was just standard

And now i switch to thing actually working, but am in the gradient inbetween, by time, in which cyclical changes happen,

Bc like i am growing new body parts and such, which needs time

Like everything is better,

I am still choking half the month

Like i am as stable as you would expect by circumstance

But like its notable that there is a difference ~

Like better as ever, great to have met a new person



Bc someone said,

See, works

Yeah but it’s quite unstable

Like i was about to drive and they were questioning my conpenece of driving

Said 2 times i shouldn’t do x

Complete emotional reaction

Let go of the clutch motor off

Like you are not supposed to do that

But i wanted to make a point

Like usually i wouldn’t even be mad in any way, like they want to help

Like its the emotional processing which just is really low

Like its my going theory, that th estrogen is just more efficient in reabsorbing emotions

Like i am always stable, i am competent in everything you give me

But like i will get angy and just stay angy for like a month,

Like my spoon fell down, annoyed for a month

Like the decay is like forever and it stacks

Like it works and gets better with each cycle

But like mine notices

Like it has other sideffects, like anything sexual is x much less satisfying

Like its like the world is loosing it saturation and i am starting to dissociate

Like i get better at failing as i get used to it

But the root cause will always remain

It is nott fixable by anything else. But those meds, literally nothing else

Like same as rn

I got a compliment and am already flying over thinking it in cycles, bc it just wont resolve

, dissolve

Like much appreciated ^~^

But like ill appreciate it in like 2 weeks when i got my seringe

I dont like feel it the same

Its like a 2 sec thing, i be happy and done

But like i will be.

I am eepy, nini

Like i dont care about the consequences, i just am manically in some emotional state

While dissosiated

Like i am not listening myself, i am just lost in the moment with lots of drive

Like there is no method to get that stable but 1

Btw i think that was a compliment, like i am completely missing the intuitive feel

I need to logically post interpret that

Like the entire emotional system is just blind

Like 13-26%view


I restate

That must have tanken courage, thats not easy

I appreciate the care

Much love to you

I really helps me

Your hair were pretty




Mine thinks the same

Tiny tails are amazing

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