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So today, i call the hair dresser,

Like mine is going seperately, which matches great, bc then i can go whenever

Like i need someone who does eyebrows n fluff

Funnily enaugh someone was on reddit like,

Trans and nervous about it,

But like i was doing that before beein trans or whatever, like guys do that too, its just that other guys dont have the hightend perception of facial features to notice

Send a letter for meds

Bc thing is i need to register here, for which i need paper which la lord signs, and then i can register

But i need to adress that letter

So i cant send it here

Like the girls are kind enaugh to just send me the slip by me sending a prepaid return letter

But like i cant like send them a letter adressed to mine

/ not adressed to the patient

So i relabeled it to the other old adress, but i will like have to get it from there~

And i need to fill out that la lord paper

And some other things, but that’s the most important

Like there is something else, but i have no idea what to do about that yet, and have other stuff, which actually resolves

If you dont understand the question on the test, just move to the next one



I dont understand tho

Is how girls do their nails everywhere

Like i saw a girl do them in the bus

No idea what i am doing in a bus

But like how do you do that without everything smelling like nail polish

Is it some oil or something

How does that work

Else everything is self explanatory

Like i know a lot of things i ignore, bc i can

And ppl dont know i know them

And i will keep it like that

Or not, I’ll ssee


I dint like

This end if cycle state

Its like constant inner turmoil

For no reason

And its quite off putting to mine

Like if i got, they just seem angy all the time

But like this they seem so subby

Its like my testosterone levels completely shift my social viewpoint

And its confusing

Certainly interesting

, but i prefer with hormones

Like there was something in a female creation myth about

Guys beeing able to do what girls couldn’t

Like its a creation myth with female gaze

And thats why they exist

It feels like that

The testo is waay productive and pushing

You could fight a bear and see it as a good workout

While the female is more like, aaah bear, nope

Like bears are big af i know

Like still prefer female, much more calm

I am happy without bears

Like interestingly enaugh that female creation myth started temporally before the male one, like they all start from 0

But like in the male ome females already existed

Like depending, the proto biblical ones include creation of females obv

But they just get created, they dont have such purpose as in males in the female one

Males are a solution to a serious and deep problem there

Like they were trying to do something, but couldn’t reach it, and therefore something with more focused attention was created bc girls are too scattered

Like paraphrasing, lets call it omnidirectional instead of scattered, and guys more target focused

Like the difference between someone hunting a running animal and someone ina social environment

Those need different mental skillset s



Mine yesterday didn’t feel like sex

Like they are in general q, like sex is the best i ever had, but like mentally they get kicked out of the the mood randomly, interesting to watch

However i wanted yesterday, they didn’t, so i just came next to them

I will continue to moan and cum till they take me

Your fear of sex will not stand to my curiosity and lewdness

*moans *

Probably hormone transgender related etc

Bc not liking your genital and anything to do with them, like yes, symptomatic description, archetypal.

Still, i am horny and i will make it known till they make me


Btw the dream was about finding

A table with someone selling only things which have colors which fit to everything, like 3d printed

And i was exited by that, like normal stuff

Other ppl too, i met someone Russian with a xtc press, they were friendly

But beta for some reason was the most notable

What he doing there

Like its a conversation, but like in my dreams


u kniw

Beta eta delota is always in my dreams

Like randomly since like a year

For some reason, never met them in person

But always they are a sub witha angy bf

Like this dream was a convention, ont he stair elevator

Accidentally knock someones cap over

Apologize, and automatically do the thing i do with mine

Where you automatically pet them while apologizing

Snap out and realize

Wait, i know who you are,..

You that with the angy bf again

Whooops lets get out of here

Like beta what u doing in my dreams :p

But always the most random places and with a angy bf i dont vibe with

I dont even watch your vids currently, what u doing there, maybe i should :Dd


So like i have everything set up,

And then pivit to comissions and vr stuff

While the rest runs in the bg

But my datastreams are manages via elixir

Meaning i dont have to manually do yt videos, i put them in a db, and then connect that db to a api


Okai, i want the

Fedi instance up

And redo main website and

link side website projects

And then get acess to their posts/dbs

And get everything into 1 datastream

And then filter and parce that with Elixier

Via apis to social media

So all projects just use the same

And then i can get into vr stuff as soon as i have a job

The project, i will put on a server too

Just to have a running version

I would like to use the moneo apis instead tho

So you dont need the entire chain local

Throw the code on a cloudflare worker, make it a api

I am sure posy has a nifty github or vs integration

Then they can just access it that way

Like for testing purposes

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