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I did not

Sleep yet, i will calm down

But like

Mine is not happy and it drives me mad

Like my going theories

We are both subs and we actually need someone to f us properly

We both may like girls more

But both of those would be possible in the current framework

It may be that we are on withdrawal from weed and smoking

Like they left me the last of the 2 cigarettes

And i love them so dearly for it

Like i am not planning on quiting drugs

I just want them in a place where i know they can stop again so we can go really deep into it

Also smoking i need to quit bc it immensely influences surgery healing and i got a big one coming up

Like drugs are great, but drugs are even greater if you do sport and eat properly

Like you wont stand getting lost for 2 months without a proper lifestyle

Next up

They are frustrated by me

Bc i got some speed and they sit there like

How should i measure up to that

You dont, you measure against yourself yesterday, not other ppl

They dont like working

Like who does, but like

I dont and i am quite vocal about it

Like i get a job eventually

I am just picky, bc the more time i give it, the better the job will turn out

Or i do something else and i pick them up with me so they dont need to

And its not even a i just put them into that position

The share project is for putting everyone into that position and lifting them up with

Like everything is set up in a way so we can basically do anything we want

Whatever the reason i should have a solution

They just need to actually say what it is they want

Its probably that they walked from a life of constant drama into this one and suddenly they got all options

And dont know what to pick

Like i will just let it rest, they will come if they understand where there mind is at

I will just have some trust

Kitten i love you and i cant stand seeing you not happy

Whatever it is, we’ll find what you’re looking for or chill and cuddle


Mine is so

Strange sometimes

Like they basically go

I am bored, is this all?

I go work and come back?

And i am like

Yes, what you wanna do, lets do it

And then they get lost in not having anything

Like what you want? Sex drugs rockn roll

Sex, i mean sure, we are in a social group where open relationships are normal and fluid, we just need to decide we want that emotionally

Drugs, i just need to order, like i never get to it~ like i wanna do a break so i dont

Rock, i mean i got i midi keyboard

The big goal of my share project,

I got a recent business oppertunity

Like i dont get what they mean

They can have anything they want

Like they talked about how much they like riding bikes, so i went looking for one

But they said they didnt want it, so i didn’t

Like then they would have a hobby to do

Like they can have anything, thats why i like healthy food now, bc its actually a good choice if i can have everything i like

Like a salad or something ~

Like i seriously dont understand what they want

I will sign us up for that thai boxing and punch it out of them if they keep complaining

Like we were in the store and i was behind them in line

And they were like why are you behind me and not next to me

Its bc i am hiding ~

I am shy

I don’t like ppl

I have no reason to be in such a public place

So i hide behind you

Like dont expect me to plan social events ~



That will not solve their issue

They are irritated and angry bc they are in constant subliminal pain and jump at everything

They are transgender

Like not all transgender are like that, like ppl handle pain differently

But having something to hit should balance them a bit to where they can get their hormones

Like they had their first therapist

They are just in the usual fog

Which vanishes with the hormones

For me its the end off the seringe cycle minus hormones

Like i am not in a good mood there

Basically like that but mine is not as extreme in their expressions



The fighting is like 10 min away ayy lets go



I found some Thai boxing

Bc me and mine were fighting on the couch recently and were like

We need a proper place to fight

Also they are afraid of beeing too much and hurting

Like they always say something but never push

And i am telling them to just push it and see what happens

Like i need a place where the floor is padded and they can punsh

And have the social environment where not doing it would be odd

Like they have some internalized rage and anger

But dont have anything to hit

And wont hit if i say hit it already

I will ask them and get us to a fighting thing

There they can try and see what happens

Also i can use getting out of the house

Like saying such things is like weakness which ppl are trying to hide

But like, i should get out of the house and mine should push threw their fears


Mine does

Not give me attention bc they sleeping and it annoys me

Btw mine is currently loosing their mind a bit

Bc my reality makes no damn sense

Among other things

Like i seriously need to find something to do outside, i will google

Btw at some point i never said but realized with the eepy

Bc you forget its real till you see it again

At some point my mind snapped and was like

Wait, i am looking for confirmation, thats rude, i should be happy about me making something ppl can have fun with

And just like watch and play with them

Like mine is trying to understand my world obviously

And like idk, i am not planning, i, post random fluff and make ai chatbots

Like the apartment is surprisingly clean due to our combined efforts

If someone hires me i do that

Like i go look for something to do now



I also had the wrong one and got confused and cast it aside

You tell me there is another one



Basic needs

Out of rate limit again~


This is actually a great thumbnail



Are following me in gta

I have no idea about the game, mine got it for me

I am just driving arround getting into shootouts with the police

I haven’t even completed the single player ~

I am not worth following in gta and it confuses me:Dd

Much appreciated ^~^


Abu made a furry one and made a suiter wear it

Please restock your hats on eu much appreciated ^~^


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