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Like thats the issue

If you scream

Ayyy cashgrab oppertunity

You’ll eventually end up making exactly that

Like it works, but at a price

Which is ppl just dipping out at


And taking their focus elsewhere







I think i am good here

Lets go up and down maslows hyrarchy of needs, drop some ais and dip



Its why i do so hard using vc funding for my project

Bc it would bc a squeaky toy to someone elses fears

Especially someone who is probably not even alive anymore

I feel like thats actually about the root why some foss ppl dont like gpt, altho its a great tool

U know i have this screwdriver you turn arround and it changes from cross to slit

I feel like its like that

But someone is funding the manifacturing of screwdrivers

And goes

What? Thats too much ppl are gonna get mad, they’ll just screw arround everywhere, keep it within what we know

You are allowed to make a better normal screwdriver, but nothing really revolutionary

Like i feel like thats the vibe

And ppl can already read the from the naming disparaty and keep their distance


Like theyll

Figure it out eventually

, or never

So ill progess without waiting


You want thits

Money, make sure you stay within this sanctioned mindpace which gives us a sense of control

Which is obviously a control illustration



Its not a issue of compute, compute is cheap and their gpt 4 is more efficient than g3

Its just a sales thing

Like they have overhead with the agents, still

The only ppl standing between progess is they themselves

And their hypothetical fears

But i wont go into that room,

Like thats exactly the point of the industrial revolution

This gatekeeping becomes less and less feasible bc there are more and more ppl with the ability to call things out

Like the difference is a ethics course

Which is obviously reductive and full of flaws

Bc its assuming current ethics on something which changes ethics

Lets see what the black market ppl are up to

Like its ideologycal dogma which was never questioned bc it came from a structure using the authority of a parental social port



Gpt is fundamentally language

And the language had 1 term be multiple meanings

And then crystallized out into single words

Its like how baby’s start off not speaking non language, but all of them combined and then crystallize their lingus out

Which is probably also the issue behind image generation

So if we draw a line from the sumerian to now

Then we should be able to determine why a prompt fails

Blank slate fallacy



Seems to be back again, whatever


Thats what i meant



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