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I need to read into the topic

But does that guy solving the math, if he did, and its applicable, mean we can make computation more efficient and decentralize ais?


Like i will

Not legally marry anyone, also the laws here would make poly hard with that

So like ill marry them but I’ll ignore the states existence in the matter

Like they cant provide what i am looking for in that matter so their existence is not relevant


I swear

Mine woke up let me sleep

Went shopping

I sit on the sofa doing math stuff

And they come in like

I got you food

Apples and cigarettes

I was like

I will seriously marry you

Looked for someone rings while they did something else

I sit and smoke with them

They go to work and tell me they got a energy

And i was like

I am buying that ring rn

Like it would need to be like a ring collar combo




Lets use gpts talk to this pdf they made and get this paper of this guy from the last post



That was exactly what i was looking for

Love it

Okai so is this a wave

Looks like it

Like you take the drawing, and at least reshape it into a wave

Bc then you use the math of a wave on it

I need to get into what its actually saying

But i kinda get what it’s saying

If they are equal it should collapse that ring down, and thereby make computation more efficient


According to my dreams

I have a thing for gay soldiers now

Like just seeing them beeing gay and wholesome

Just this vibe of, we are so dead, wholesome gay, playful and buff

I have become such a girl

And i understand now why girls fuck those all the time

Just that contrast of that almost acceptance of death with the gay

Like there was also some national identity brotherhood in there

It was so hot

Like the dearm had narrative, but i kinda got distracted by a young solider like taking another one 2 a rave, and then a third one trying to get the same guy

And then just the socials of those 2 going off, and the other one beeing catched by his buddies bc he didn’t get the guy in some teasing national identity and brotherhood refference matched by physical interaction

There was also a murder in a underground tunnel later found

Like it had plot but it was so hot



Thats in my description of my ceo memory card of what i am doing as cute eepy person

I go arround looking at others ppls structures and see how they manage their things

Best yet was the ef girl, such a inspiring person


Like they come

From behind and give you a hush tip on your back with some value

And ppl automatically assume they need to give something in return

Which makes sense if you do deals and not gifts

Like they leave open who it actually was and leave you to fill in the blanks on the random person who shows up next

And by that you are automatically in a contract by them using a proxy

Like you accepted the info didn’t you

But its obvious that no, actually they randomly gave it to you and started making subtle demands

Thing is, they are so subliminal that it always comes threw the unconscious backchannel which always seems like some secret organization

Like ppl are not used to those channels beeing used anymore

Like the mafia operates the same way

Bc they know over 3 corners that person needs help, but for the person they come out of nowhere

Lemme help you out, mind if you do me a favor too?

Bring this random suitcase with documents somewhere

And then they just keep showing up

In my case i was just sitting there like

Yeah i know, much appreciated, see u round

Like they chilling in boredom entrapped in the same nets they offer

Like control pyramid n fluff

But like if someone already greets them in understanding, why bother

They leave me and i dont unnecessarily comment on their fluff

Like its mutual, i dont even wanna know, i can read your emotions, cya

Like there are plenty of ppl arround

We are luckily not in the same territory

Like i am sure they do a lot of good too

But i dont wanna know

Life is too short to get into unnecessary conflicts like that

Btw i am not saying the open ai ppl are

I am just randomly contemplating things while watching anime

Like i had the foresight to settle with a structure with a myth which doest want anything from me

I dont have to fight the class structure or the rich or anything

Like i was consciously filling that slot for the cultural need of group belonging

Bc if i dont, it will be filled with something i may not want

Like I’ll put in the registration for this apartment

And then i have officially moved

And I’ll do my best to never mention such things again and forget all of it

Btw that is approved now

Like generally remove a lot of things from my mindframe and just be living as a random girl doing a project to help ppl

Like i have some thing i still need to say, which i said i would

No, i haven’t forgotten, i am just anxious and wait till i get the feeling which tells me, that its now the time to do that

Like i have to tell some bad things i did

And i said id say something about my dad and parents n fluff

Like i said a lot, but i also said id give a final statement, bc nothing is ever simple for some reason

Its the hormones, with the meds everything is simple.

Its 2 weeks after the seringe now btw

See any big changes in behavior? Yes

But there is a lot of things i assume as standard known facts, which are probably not

And fundamentally change the meaning of things

Like its a problem of information degregation, if i say something, the chance that you understand me is quite small

Ontop of that language can be read in multiple ways, i have written paragraphs, to read them again, and seeing they say something completely different, bc my setting comas was not given and you can read the sentence in 3 different ways

Like read the same book with your partner, and discuss it, they will have basically read a different book

Like i mean everything i say, always. But what i mean is actually not obvious

Usually i just settle for true enaugh



Its not a publicly traded company

But they probably get their money from the same network of ppl as all the other ppl

Main line coverage, stamp and shittification cycle

Like you see that with peterson

He recently got like a academy course thing

Its the same patterns applied to different ppl

Like they’ll handle your stuff, and you get the usual package deal

Like i also know which network of ppl that is

But like i am already making enaugh enemies as is~

Its not my company, and i wish them the best of luck



I was overdrawing about the ai

But that smell still remains

Its the same as we made something cool but we are not sharing the code

Like its a completely valid move to make

I guess its more of a personal thing

Yes its expectations

Its bc they named the company open ai, but dont behave like it

And it shows at every corner

They are not using their recursive forces

Asking ppl to make ais and then rate limiting access for those ppl

Something is really off there

What have they shifted

I feel like this really is a backroom issue

It was made by ppl actually wanting to do the thing

And now they got a bunch of ppl trying to shift things to the usual shittification model

Yes i used it, why is everyone repeating entshittification

,, bc that video is named like that and ppl repeat payload of namespace

But it’s shittification

But it wont work bc the linguistics are still in place, but they cant change them without distorting the brand value

And the ppl who came bc they wanted to do something cool and innovative

Suddenly get subliminally shunned for something which wasn’t their decision

Like the technology is great so it still outweighs

But like they are in a weird spot now

Bc they dont actually act out the values they have written up for themselves

And everyone can see it

Like one part of the company wants to play with this cool new technology

While the other is not certain they want to keep playing

Bc the goal they have set for themselves is not getting met

They wanted to make open ais and put that in the company name

And thats why ppl joined

And now they ended up having to figure out how to make it the usual marketplace for saas companies

For which, like there are 20 other companies like that arround

They got stamped into a mold and are now having a small identity crisis

Its like me calling the project


And then configuring the code not to share, but using it as bait for other ppl

It would be quite odd

And would leave me in a identity crisis

At least the guy now knows they can try to throw him out at any moment ^~^

Like interesting to watch^^

But thats hard if ppl have strong social connections

Like i hope they find themselves again

The name itself sounds like such a beautiful vision

But i assume there are third interests ~



Lets hope it fits~

But according to my measurements, it should

It is bra, and it is functional



The value of ppl generating and ppl lsing it,measured in money always zero out?

No, ppl usually don’t generate negative value,do they?

That would be like assuming births and deaths always zero out

That’s stupid,but we’ll see



I would assume the creative ppl with the ideas

,care more about making cool stuff than getting rich

Like our code would also give them money

But obviously not those amounts

But I don’t think that’s actually necessary

Like novel ideas are hard to get,even with money

Bc creative ppl are hard to test for

Bc they outsmart every test you give them



We are at the same altitude as VCS

But we don’t have a person which decides if you are worthy

We just provide tools

And a place for other likeminded ppl to gather

We need a fedi instance it seems

Without selling on getting rich

But actually offering the chance to do the world changing thing without intervention or imposing a moral framework

I would draw the line at cp tho

Like you can not be printing ai generated cp for instance

But porn in general would be open game

We don’t have all of the ,,it needs to be profitable,,


Profit is a function of value, not the other way around

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