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Ssh doesnt want to

Like it gives you a cpanel by default which was great, but i should have gotten a vps for this domain


Someone is shy

Like from their name i can make a guess about who it was, but ill stay silent

I mutual everyone btw


I actually quite like thundervm

They have like 77 users

You can get hosting, they give invoice automatically and you can pay from monero to paypal

And design is clean

And they seem to have user billing build in



Should now be on fedi, reposting user content


Like its

Not really a public facing thing, its more art internal

Ill leave it up, ill update the site once a year based on user suggestions



It was in my mind since years and i never got to making it

Its a website for dropping random sketches and sketchbooks

Like devian art etc exist

But the focus is always the finished artwork

And i always wanted more of a place to share random sketches which may never end up anywhere

Site is live if there are any issues lemme know

At some point i can also install activity pub, so it gets shared to fedi



I have a name cheap account


Like its not like the whois matters, still thats odd

The sharing adress is for the fedi instance



Thing is

Limiting users is contradicting to wanting to grow the fediverse

Like from a business perspective, yes

More ppl more compute, more data

But it misses the overall target of hosting a fedi instance



They are limiting users

Nevermind ill just install my own

Like i have the skills

I just dont wanna keep watching it

I am looking to pay for peace of mind

Like you ppl know me

3 days and i have forgotten it ever existed

7 days and the code is so modified it will break with the next update


Holy you ppl are going

I was considering these ppl with the hyper website

Like i just need a small website to drop a wp on and a mastadon,

Thunder vm its 2,61 and i can pay in monero

Okai, monero vps is more expensive

Like there was someone offering a threw pannel for prepaid monero, which let you buy like digital ocean etc, but monero prepaid, but i forgot their domain name

However, like the green ppl would be even cheaper than thunder, but no ssh

Like i dont think i will need it for that, but i wanna have it just in case

Like i just wanted it on the same service for keeping clean

Like either i buy a mastadon and hosting at their place and have it done

Or i get thunder vm and install fedi myself

For 2,50 less per month

Like they have the same color sceme as me

What i would like to see, altho its pretty with the ecological energy used

Would be them feeding back into the community

Like idk 2% we give to random fedi projects

Bc then its a no brainer, you buy a fedi instance there, bc it automatically feeds the fedi community again

Like recursive energy re cycles

I somehow put a keyboard shortcut on shift l and h :Dd no big letters for me currently ~

Oh no their captcha is case sensitive ~


Like i have a small

Pet project i wanna do on a wp

Like i should really get that second machine running, aaah i ordered the adapter~

Like that was just the domain for 23

And then they want 8 additionally to not dox you

Like what?

Like i was just checking the domain name and was curious ~

But hell no

Yeah but the other person does it too, but less obvious

Aha so eu its not allowed but other domains are fine for leaking info

Use gpt to trace company registrations to who is actually the top level seller with the cheapest prices


If your ordering

And your name is





Like small misspellings, as if its a package send by some chinese person with google translate

The delivery guy wont notice such a small change

But basically your jobs is to leave as many small footholds for your lawyer to later apply a lever to

Like its not a get out of jail free card

But if you subtly litter your stuff with such

It gets easyer to make a case of

Whoever send this didn’t even know how to spell it

My client knows how to spell their own name

Like subtle enaugh for a normal reasonable postal delivery uni student on 3 coffees not to notice before the next Amazon delivery they need to get out, like today!

Or not care


If your ordering

And your name is





Like small misspellings, as if its a package send by some chinese person with google translate

The delivery guy wont notice such a small change

But basically your jobs is to leave as many small footholds for your lawyer to later apply a lever to

Like its not a get out of jail free card

But if you subtly litter your stuff with such

It gets easyer to make a case of

Whoever send this didn’t even know how to spell it

My client knows how to spell their own name

Like subtle enaugh for a normal reasonable postal delivery uni student on 3 coffees not to notice before the next Amazon delivery they need to get out, like today!

Or not care

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