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My sis send me this, i am lost for words~




Its that someone authoritarian is trying to mold ppl top down

And are outraged at the ratios changing

Like there will always be some creative ppl in a classroom but most will be trained for factory

And suddenly there is a sideloaded influx of allowing kids to express themselves

Bc the readily available information is melting the rigid structures, which previously gave them a monopoly

Like getting molded is usually not the option ppl prefer

So any competition at all is bad news

Its ppl not reacting well to change, i see

Like nah, that was visible since.. social media exists

Aaah, they have been having kids and didnt look up since then

And now got a culture shock

That was a change in their lifetimes, not generational

Such great entertainment

Technology do be trippy

Its like ppl called creative ppls stuff unfeasable

So they dragged computers from the other side and mixed it with psychedelics

To create a golem

Just to make a point and settle the argument

I like it, good entertainment



Yeah, its the preußian impuls to produce factory workers

Btw i heared a claim that its impossible to automate factory machines

Like that may have been true in the 19th century

But i dont think it is in a world with games like factorio

Like we can, we just dont want to

What do we do with all those factory workers then

Which is a cycle


You know

I am thinking about the school firry litter box thing

Like from a jungian perspective

Like what does that actually mean, what actually is a litter box

Okai, do there is a component of training something onto a behavior

Wikipedia says

They are provided for pets that are permitted free roam of a home but who cannot or do not always go outside

So a pattern of training behavior in a system of training behaviors named school

Which permits free roam but does not let them go outside

Thats a school, yes

But whats the payload



I am using postmark

Bc they dont want your phone number

Btw on Firefox, windows f2

All in all pretty chill install till now

Like the smtp thing is not good tho


Like they solved it

Great here

With grey suggestions

But the doc is still doing it

Smtp is also not in the doc

, like i may install a smtp before beeing stuck in a prompt with a timeout

Nope, i need to exit and make a smtp, and then return

Typing everything again


If they

Fail to understand it, bc they stupi

Thats not the students fault, its yours

Bc the student can not be at fault for not understanding something they dont understand yet

Its that you failed in explaining it

In making it understandable

Bait and switch forcing them will not make them understand

It will just discredit you in their trust given

And the next time they do the minimal to pass while making sure to avoid you as much as possible

Most tyrants die by someone close to them

Its simply that you do not have the authority over someone elses decision making if they dont want to

Submission is given not taken


I hate this style of teaching

Its baiting by withholding information

Ppl are installing a mastadon instance, they are willing to learn

And its repayed by withholding and baiting

If it is a critical component, it should be easily accessible from the finished install

Also we are working with interactable language

You can make it so you type a comand and it goes

Oh yeah, that comand basically does that, if you wanna know more go here

Like its bc ppl assume ppl will just install without understanding what each component does

Which yes, and thats how it should be

It does not make ppl read the extensive doc, it makes the first ppl just write a install script, completely removing your intent

Like its common practice and infantalizes the user installing

Like let me install the thing, and then if i am curious about a component, i will go look bc i have a interest in it

Learning without reason is incredibly ineffective

The solution is a -h help flag om the installed thing with common errors, and then you can link to your wall of text

My intent is to install mastodon, not read the doc on all sub programs

Like its done with good intent, trying to teach, but in practice just fails to teach

To put it differently

Its not polite to bait and switch your users


Lets see if that works

Looks like it tho


Btw this is not a yt feature without premium, i have no idea how i do that

But i love it

Fluke made a album

Btw the recursion of working on 3 layers:p


This comand

Times out without modifyed ssh config

Break it up into sub parts pls



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