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Leap of Faith



I swear the most fun i ever had

Is rubbing cum onto ppl

Like yes you came, but like lemme just spread this all over you

Like while they are still out

And then they come back like

I am sticky now~


Much appreciated

Like the fedi ppl dont like it, but already have a usecase for it

Like fedi has alt text for like blind ppl etc

Love the refference example



Like mine is fine, they have nothing to compare it to yet


Like the reason i was interested in posy

Is bc they smelled purple pink across the room

Like miss sharky was going rule based ego level, like a bit subliminal

But posy was like so much in unconscious

Like she didn’t know what she was supposed to do

Like me neither

Like rules usually give to goals

But like we both didn’t have that

And it will color mark me such ppl

Bc those are actually the interesting ppl for me

Like i knew i like them

Like i am a person with a partial but without getting the badge for it

Like some ppl will get that and you dont need to

Like i am going off what color someone smells like, which makes no sense to anyone but me

But like it interestingly makes more sense as a girl than as a guy, Gradients

There goes the demand~

I cant eep, just had a nap~


Like they

Actually sleeping

Usually their unconscious is like posys

You can basically have a full on conversation with their unconscious while they are sleeping

Like posy is more direct in asking questions

But like mine is like there

They wont cuddle me till they came down from beeing mad about me making moises, and then they will cuddle me

Mine wakes up in the morning not knowing anything, they were eeping

With alcohol the subconscious of mine is just gone

Like they out out

But currently they are a bit there, but really calmer than usual

Not out, but like actually in the space they are supposed to be, in the twilight zone between sleep and awake where things get mercurial


I will still go with open coin, but i love the term

Like mine was dead from work


Trying to sedate

We cuddle

I get my hormones, give them some

They feel better, get calm and sleep

Like i cant long term do that, bc they will grow tits n fluff

But like it seems to work for them too

Like i am always trying to image like the first trans ppl

Bc someone will eat threw so many drugs till they get to hormones, like thats not a obvious choice

And suddenly you grow tits

Like reminds me of the old alchemical descriptions

But like someone was eating threw the entire medicine cabinet and beyond

Accepting all the side effects as a price to pay

It feels like that

Mine is sedating

But like in 10 years they wouldn’t eat to the point of randomly trying hormones

Like we niw know that nothing else works

But the individual ppl dont know that

I went up till dmt and it didn’t work

Like i am looking for a silver lining, but eepy, i am gonna cuddle mine now



Mine was really snapping at everything today

Like they remind me a lot of me at that age

Like eternal unrest and heavy drugs to sedate

Like they are currently at alcohol again

Like that just vanished for me with the hormones

Like they bark at everything, dont like the weather, that random person or that bush,

Yes, fuck that bush

Like snappy at everything for no reason

Like the reason is they are in pain and are coping by attacking everything

Like i feel like me beeing in a simular state makes them do it more

Like you are hungy, then you see someone eat, and get really hungy

Like for instance shopping, like many ppl, many noises, makes them snappy,

Like i feel that, 200% i wanna burn that place to the ground

But like in 2 weeks with the seringe i wouldn’t even notice that at all

Like they are hyper sensitive to smell, sound, and probably some other stuff

Like i feel that

Like i always wondered, like how does beeing able to perceive more get you into some off group, just bc everything is loud af and our air is dirty

Like idk

Like we currently vibe, but a bit too much maybe so we actually fuel each other

Like that stuff eats so much energy

Like that just randomly getting eepy always comes with the end of the cycle

I just burn threw energy like its nothing fall over and eep

Or someone picks me up and puts me into bed>~<

I love them so dearly, i wish i could lift her up too..


I wouldn’t

Stop doing things

So mine just took me and put me in a diapi and i was out

Like just lifted me up

I slept well for 3 hours^~^

Like i will not stop, i will be going for hours, but if you put me on a bed, i am gone in 2 sec

Maybe i should do more breaks ~

Btw i gave mine some of the estrogen

Their breathing cleared up from what i could notice

And they said, they feel better

Like its like that for me to

Its not like anything big happens

Like your just fine

Everything is as it should be

Just before you took it, you weren’t aware how bad it was, till you get something better

I love them so much

There is a lot on my mind

But i still have things to do~, plenty



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