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Leap of Faith



Mine was like

If i make 3d stuff, i need to watch no one steals my character

And i was like

Wtf no

Everything you dont put a watermark on is free game

Its like telegram stickers

They are meant to be stolen

Like there are individual special agreements

But in general, if someone doesnt steal your thing, like thats their curtesy, not your skill in protecting it

Copyright is complete bs

No one is not gonna sell something in a global market bc its illegal in 1 country, ask redbubble or the chinese

Like they are Digital assets, i dont get harmed by someone else reusing them

Its not like they steal mine and i loose it

Thats thinking of a physical realm, which it isn’t, its digital, and that kind of thinking makes no sense there

There literally is enaugh for everyone

Like there are sub issues of quality and naming the original person

But in general, yes, everything is open game, by the non limiting quality of digital materia


I understand


Why the sumerian gpt

Like giving a full list of all sumerian terms to a Englisch term was quite unstable

It did 1 to 3 but all was a challenge

Its bc i was using English as a medium of presentation

The gpt did so hard at that, bc of inherent linguistic differences

Of how it understood how language works

Like subject object

Your ai has the hubris of eurocentricsm, or expanded to

Centrism by language used

I would need to convert it into something else, and then return that

I would need all terms for a meaning, from all languages, and then translated to English, but both displayed

Aaaah this is why we have the symbol structure ~

Like there is obviously also a layer of narrative meaning associated with the symbols



I found

A company i actually would like to work with, for

They also have a slot for working on your own projects, which i appreciate


I will try to

Find out more about multiplayer dynamics

And water textures


I have gotten

A bit into godot terrain making, and did a bit of character sculpting

Only thing missing is getting my other projects in order so i can focus


Mine made this, its like meat slices and cheese, but like rolled in grinded bread

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