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Like yes,I can

Pipe them at realtime

But sometimes I want to let the log file fill,and then querry it into the next step



My 1 person that’s currently online

Like I want a probing tool for getting traffic from different sites

So I can measure user threwput

Yes cron,but like I want to measure site traffic and fill a log file per site



Not checking for if a file with the same contents already exits

Like yes cluster algos,but I am happy with this


Like its not debugged yet

Like you don’t just have a email,u usually also have a ssh

Like its the same as email folders,but I wanna zone entire emails

And then make them seamless with the other things

Ssh is seamless as folder

Like mails two but they are incomprehensible in a folder

Like you could try to rout them into sub folders

Like I wanna work with multiple mails in different zones

Display that

And then start adding data tools

Like I tried going via processes

But I feel like this does well enough

I want all my projects in 1 place with all the functionality of the shell

Take that email stream and put into that script and then send it back

But organized into zones

I wanna be able to go

Oh email for fedi server ,needs update

Ssh me there without me having to open another terminal

It takes the last command and saves it to a randomly named file


I can get emails

That’s not the issue

Question is how I want it to work

I need a db

I need a SMTP client

Can I build it on neomutt

Yeah let’s make a neomutt wrapper

Thing is I need a GUI for it for what I have in mind

Naaah those are all SMTP actions,I need a SMTP wrapper,I will see


F ping is such a great comand


That’s the startup screen I wanted

Like I can work on the layout

Also I would like it to automatically open the folders for the remote directories

Like I need to get a second screen again

But also like I have a shortcut overlay workspace

Like I have a rapper for cluster ssh and mounting remote directorys as filesystem, haven’t tested it yet tho

Bookshelf is interesting to but not working

I added the remote menu wrapper to startup


I just

Got a call for a job

In a completely different city

Said I am just looking remote

Tried to offer me a position at a closer location

It was a admin position

Its the prime example for a role you can do remote

Like I probably over read it while applying

I’ll continue looking

Like there is still the 1company I liked


You know

At some point on dmt

I realized

These are not new tools i invent

Yeah i wasnt there, thats my bad

But they are acutely pre existent

Its like you remember whatever you “newly created”

Like its like it always existed, but you forgot and everything is locked till you figure it out again

Like it had a cool visual 3d graphic of showing tools in a 3d tunnel library thing

So whatever you are trying to do, already exists

Its like how finding something scientific for the first time is hard, and after 50 years, high school students do it casually

Like the complexity of the idea does not constrict it in a way

Thats a limitation of human perception of beeing careful with everything new, and classifying it

But like, actually you just remember the thing which does not exist

Or something like that

Also at some point i let it show me which tools it is auto executing which was terribly interesting

Like you dont manually sell someone on something

Thats a sub routine which gets reused as soon as the pattern is mapped

My unconscious is way more resource efficient at managing that, than wittle ego me

How marvelous mortality is in its dawn

Yes, i am saying there is no theoretical limit on the speed at which you can compose any idea at any complexity, at any rate, like you would expect from physical reality

If space is 0 then time is 0

If it takes you 0 units of thinking to think to the next thaught, then it takes you 0 time there

Dreams are a good example of the complexity you can get, like you can get hyper real

It means you can treat new ideas as if they already exist, bc they in fact do, bc time is 0

Like 0 is a singularity, so its a event horizon into another plane, like a magnet

Its a strangeloop where the future is yesterday, bc it is now

The only question is how much understanding you can process before you fry your brain and get paralized

Well, it depens on how good your emotional management is

But the conception of a idea itself and therefore is mirror into language and text, hi, uwu is mercural and unbounded

So how do you think with 0 units of thaught?

You use feelings

They allow you to process massive amounts of data im extremely short times, instant basically

Like we have different techniques, so no one actually seems to mention that those work bc they are all refferencing the singularity

Its like 0 is 0 itself and the potential of 0,which is everything

Or something like that


I need

Wings and more sport

Its Monday

This week will kill me


Like posy and

Mine have a interesting thing

Bc i feel like posy is in disequilibrium about mine

Bc like the testo is noticeable

Like i want everyone to get along

But i have seen better chemistry

Like i hope i am wrong and it was just my interpreting things~

Thing is mine is a sub

Same as me

They have this,

If you want me to do it, just shove me into place uwu


Like with different interplays, but both with the same impuls

So like asking mine that is as fruitful as asking me that

I said id not worry,

Things will happen or not, we’ll see

I sleep.


I am in a dopamine


I need to figure out where the border between me and mine is again

Bc that is a common risk of getting lost in the other person

Like it sounds like you would use a spell of separation, but it is not

Its a binding spell

Bc you want to strengthen the bond between the 2 parties, so there is more trust

And thereby beeing more seperate is not as much as a issue

I will see about that in practice

Living is trippy

Like they mine and i love them deeply and eternally

But i need to have some humility on myself

And keep identitys to a reasonable level

Bc we are both in a transgender inbetween zone

Like i would like to identify and fade out the male parts,

But for that i should know where i start and end

And what is mine, but shared, and what is theirs but shared, and what is them

Also i would like to know if we are looking for more ppl or not

Like i still feel like we are both subs and both need someone actually more dom

Like i will do my best to make mine feel small, but i can’t like physically push them down like they do me~

Like its a risk, obviously

But like why not, everything is a risk in some capacity, thats the fun



I accept my limitations and pledge to transcend them

, within reason of sanity

Lets go




Ears have teeth

I sleep now

Reality is mirroring again, cant wait for that seringe~



I feel better

Mine had a day off today

Bc their company was burning

, like literally

I will see about writing that job i liked

And getting the fedi instance up

In this week is also hair

And end of the week is a diapi thing

Like with other diapi ppl

That will be fun

But like i will need a break soon

I asked the save girl

And she said they can give other ppl acess too with the copy of a license

Bc the share crypto wallets are covered by a fiat bank account in the backend

So it would be odd if i make a project about sharing money, and then not trust the team members with the money~

Like i feel bad bc i am not doing anything on it~

I want it to move, but i also want the fedi for it

Maybe i can ask the girls of they want to set up the fedi

Then i can work and reworking the project code to use the api instead of local, so we have a running test version to distribute donations among team members automatically

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