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The link between furrys and fluff

Is openness

Its, ocean model, that there is a prevent trait, which is probably genetic in origin

Like its part of a struct of traits, which accounts for the diversity of characteristics

But it gets hard to deny fluffs are creative, including code

Like its fractals in fractals

Obv you have a larger population subset where that applys which are not fluffs,

But that seems like a bigger cluster

Like ppl are actually quite afraid of unmapped territory, so the curious ppl are the first obv, and then they cluster

Also gay

Like def is law, meaning its a mirroring term applyed to itself

With furry beeing able to mean basically anything related to animals

Which is the verb noun, whatever all at once

Thats not what i am say

Ibam not pointing to the static pointer signs and questioning their validity

What i am saying is that the common thread from pre litterate shamanic history to the now existing artists and it ppl which cluster, is curiosity

Thats the main genetic thread

Then you have the usual gradients off off that

Like its nondualistic

Its not a boolean

Then you have the structure mirroring mental process of thinking, which shows in normal and ad accounts,

A ad acc is basically a shadow manifestation onto the individual by the group structure, filtered by behavior modifyers of group morally

Purity filter

The structure is trying to classify to put into a box so behavior patterns don’t get too mixed and the control structure still has grip

You have to be smart to be creative / curious, else u dead at the first outlet you touch

Like its a dependency

Like i am not aiming for a closing rationalism

Just manically processing data

i go watch anime



The link between furrys and fluff

Is openness

Its, ocean model, that there is a prevent trait, which is probably genetic in origin

Like its part of a struct of traits, which accounts for the diversity of characteristics

But it gets hard to deny fluffs are creative, including code

Like its fractals in fractals

Obv you have a larger population subset where that applys which are not fluffs,

But that seems like a bigger cluster

Like ppl are actually quite afraid of unmapped territory, so the curious ppl are the first obv, and then they cluster

Also gay

Like def is law, meaning its a mirroring term applyed to itself

With furry beeing able to mean basically anything related to animals

Which is the verb noun, whatever all at once

Thats not what i am say

Ibam not pointing to the static pointer signs and questioning their validity

What i am saying is that the common thread from pre litterate shamanic history to the now existing artists and it ppl which cluster, is curiosity

Thats the main genetic thread

Then you have the usual gradients off off that

Like its nondualistic

Its not a boolean

Then you have the structure mirroring mental process of thinking, which shows in normal and ad accounts,

A ad acc is basically a shadow manifestation onto the individual by the group structure, filtered by behavior modifyers of group morally

Purity filter

The structure is trying to classify to put into a box so behavior patterns don’t get too mixed and the control structure still has grip

You have to be smart to be creative / curious, else u dead at the first outlet you touch

Like its a dependency

Like i am not aiming for a closing rationalism

i go watch anime



Metality is giving me a headache

Meta ly

Thats probably a alchemical pointer



I like killing things

Like destruction and creation are interlocking concepts no matter your morality

I just dont want to use the reasoning of

I am killing bc i am something better

Like that seems rather common

Its playing on smart ppl beeing treated badly and socially outcasted as children, often,

Bc anything different which is not standardized by factory mold will be done that, words.

But i dont want that, just out of spite for whoever set that dynamic up

Like i feel like someone knew exactly what they were doing

Like thing is creative ppl actually grow threw “pain” i think everyone does, focus topic,

Target group

Like ppl take that mindset bc it is cultural offered as a identity set

Which seems a little bit too convenient for my tastes

Thats artifical and i am mad at the already dead person who set that up

If you have a advantage you will win no matter the reasoning, so the set makes no sense

Like who to hate is not a question, thats pointing ppl in the pyramid against each other so they dont fight up

Like i like destroying in that state, but i dont want to take that one

Like saying you are smart is no crime

Saying the other person is worse bc you exist, even if true in regards,

Seems fishy to me

Like thats my 2 cents, declarative statements to point away responsibility over ppls random assumptions

Like it fits too neatly into the mindframe

Like the usual checkers are not saying valid, they are off entirely

So like i just use the action pattern without the explanation



Don was set up as disabled login

I killed the server anyways

I am reinstalling


I have

Lost all faith

I will eat something



Hormones ~



I forgot which service i used last time



Its installing the first half of fedi now, till the config file

That is manual

Which it also doesnt have to be

If you get the necessary creds before starting the script, amd tell the ppl ehat they need

You should be able to run it without stopping in 1 go



My shortcuts are in the hyperland conf not bashrc



I have gui installed

Bc some time ago i was using kubuntu

And it came standard with a text editor which can convert tabs into spaces

Yes there is a solution to your python files

Mousepad i think or something

Like my brain forgets i have a mouse, but they do be useful sometimes


All hail

The gui file exporers

I have super d as the d menu child package

So i can run programs without terminal

Dolphin didnt, but thunar did solve


I broke my terminal again

I need some way to execute anything

–Norc is not working

Like i may be able to reach it via the boot shell


1 over grub terminal

But i have no shortcut to get a terminal open there


It aliases a ssh comand to the domain name

So you just type in the domain and it ssh into the server

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