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I got

Stuffed yesterday>~<

In a diapi holding a plushy

With a warming bottle under my belly


I wanted to note this since forever

If you like diapi someone,you give them a plushly to hide behind

Like looking ppl in the eyes in the meanwhile is odd

Like let ppl hide

Like I never liked the bdsm aesthetic, BC it was always kinda uncomfy,like it looked uncomfy

But like plushy fluff fluff I liky



I worked at a warehouse for like 6 months

I had some time

Like i made lists with the best way to kill myself

Take it as samurai meditating on death, or boredness

Like i have decided

If i kill myself i want heroin

Nothing else

Like thing is with like shooting yourself

There is a likelihood of waking up again, and then dying

Like you got paralized, out, adrenalin, awake! Dead



I am scared of helicopters

, that was the other thing

peer group internal killing and helicopters

Those military boxes do look cool

Like thats also where my fear of ppl comes from

I am not scared of abstract social judgment

But tribalism is real af

And helicopters just appear out of no where

Its like military drones

But those are too abstract for my mind

By the time i have noticed the drone i am already dead

Helicopters are loud, but appear out of the stars, and outrunning one is also iffy

Also those have thermal cameras

Like those things i dont need to encounter ~



Dont i just say when i know something

Bc it makes ppl assume you always pay attention at that level

It cube again

I am trying to avoid unwanted attention

Like sounds funny from me

, but like opperationally

, like ppl paranoid about other ppl predicting their actions

Its my witchhunt paranoia

Like these 2 things, witchhuntz and the other thing i forgot scare me


Btw posy

You wanna write without me posting it?

I can read your attention

If you are checking, then i can read your divergence in behavior pattern and deduce what you are checking for

Like its not a holy cow for me to post stuff

You are not crossing any lines by saying something

You expecting me to say something is the same as me expecting you to say something, its a pat

Just a guess tho


I finally got a valid

Smtp, finally

Like tried other services, which in terminal told me i should send a mail to their support to activate smtp like f that

Tryed if i can use the random c pannel i have, but it has smtp acess disabled

I used my hoster i use for this domain

Like however much i complain about whatever else, these ppl are solid

Like they basically just gave me a bare Webserver back then, but its the best thing which ever happened to me

Especially now that i see how locked down everything else is

I like the new inbetween menu

Btw i will have to redo the thing again, bc i started the install and forgot to add swap

This will time out

Like compiling the css

I let it run, maybe i am lucky, but it probably wont

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