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I never even said i got money in the first place

I said assets

Didnt mention the source or for what purpose

I just said i have money to put towards the project

And asked if anyone needs some

Perception is interesting, isnt it



That money was family related,

I was just avoiding the social implications of beeing a child of divorced parents

But curious reactions



I am working so slow

Bc idk if we may just kill the market economy by acidental hubris

Yes sharing everything sounds like a great idea

Oh no all our money is worthless and the means of production are in disarray


Like things do actually change stuff and thats my worry

We may add a q and a session before we push the code for other ppl to test

So if there are such concerns by someone, we asked

If we dont see it, and no one else did, then there is nothing to be done

And later we can point back to that if asked

Like no one saw it, here is the text about it

I am not worried about it not working

Code works without fail, most of the time, we know that

What i am concerned with is it working



We dont need to profit in money

Bc if we succeed

The importance of money itself will be lower


If this is debugged

I put it on a server and it should work for distribution between us team members

Its connected to the donation adress then

Meaning if we get any money

Its split among everyone without human fallacy

Work out first kinks

And get onto making a stable version for release

From there we give it to other projects who want to try it

We dont Profit or have control

From there its stackable

You can connect all fedi instances together for instance

And use the same code to implement a shared fund between github projects and fedi instances

So you can just generally throw money towards the direction of open source and it gets distributed

Like this generates a lot of networks to monitor i am aware

But its a test phase for us to gather practical results

Then we work on making it serverless

Based on that data




# Define the function to get the unlocked balance
getUnlockedBalance() {
    # Monero wallet RPC endpoint

    # JSON RPC request payload
    local REQUEST_PAYLOAD='{
      "params": {
        "account_index": 0

    # Perform the request
    local RESPONSE=$(curl -s "$WALLET_RPC_ENDPOINT" -d "$REQUEST_PAYLOAD" -H 'Content-Type: application/json')

    # Extract and display the unlocked balance from the response
    echo "Response: $RESPONSE"
    local UNLOCKED_BALANCE=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.result.unlocked_balance')
    echo "Unlocked Balance: $UNLOCKED_BALANCE atomic units"

    # Convert the unlocked balance from atomic units to XMR (1 XMR = 1e12 atomic units)
    local UNLOCKED_BALANCE_XMR=$(bc <<< "scale=12; $UNLOCKED_BALANCE/1000000000000")
    echo "Unlocked Balance: $UNLOCKED_BALANCE_XMR XMR"

# Example usage:


# Function to divide the output of generateNumber by the number of lines in a file
divideByNumberOfLines() {
    local filename="$1"

    # Ensure the file exists
    if [[ ! -f "$filename" ]]; then
        echo "File does not exist: $filename" >&2
        return 1

    # Get the number from the generateNumber function
    local number=$(getUnlockedBalance)

    # Count the number of lines in the file
    local lines=$(wc -l < "$filename")

    # Calculate the division, forcing floating point arithmetic
    local result=$(echo "scale=2; $number / $lines" | bc -l)

    echo $result

# Usage example
# Replace 'yourfile.txt' with the path to your actual file
divideByNumberOfLines "destinations.txt"


# Monero wallet RPC endpoint

# File containing destination addresses, one per line

# Amount to send to each destination, in atomic units (1 XMR = 1e12 atomic units)
AMOUNT=divideByNumberOfLines "destinations.txt" # Example amount of 1 XMR

# Read addresses from the file and build the JSON array of destinations
while IFS= read -r DEST; do
  # Skip empty lines
  [[ -z "$DEST" ]] && continue
done < "$ADDRESS_FILE"
# Remove the last comma

# JSON RPC request payload

# Perform the request
curl -s "$WALLET_RPC_ENDPOINT" -d "$REQUEST_PAYLOAD" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

# Monero wallet RPC endpoint

# File containing destination addresses, one per line

# Amount to send to each destination, in atomic units (1 XMR = 1e12 atomic units)
AMOUNT=1000000000000 # Example amount of 1 XMR

# Read addresses from the file and build the JSON array of destinations
while IFS= read -r DEST; do
  # Skip empty lines
  [[ -z "$DEST" ]] && continue
done < "$ADDRESS_FILE"
# Remove the last comma

# JSON RPC request payload

# Perform the request
curl -s "$WALLET_RPC_ENDPOINT" -d "$REQUEST_PAYLOAD" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

We didn’t do this earlier bc we didnt

Have the internet and computers as society was developed

Human intermediarys were always a necessity

If you want to share money, you need to give it to another person

You cant just drop it on the street and hope it finds someone

I mean, you can, but its a inefficient process

Especially globally



I am not working on a project to make money

I am resolving the core issue of why its needed so desperately

I just haven’t figured out how to talk to the ppl on my team in order to get efficient development going

Bc i am lost in mania half the month




Like i knew about

This function

I just heard somewhere the rpc has update issues, so i went away from using it

But like

We are doing this

Based on the wallet amount

Whatever you send

Gets split onto all registered adresses

Like there are other sys configuration things, based on where it operates,

But that is core

The computer just distributes money

Among a team, company, different projects or societys

It doesn’t care, it shares

And then ontop of that, we can run capitalism

Its scale is global and its concept easily understandable

No one is juged or gatekept based on anything

Like in the beginning single servers can apply their own moderation and we will see how that plays out as a case study

I still want that fedi server~

The code does not care

Like if you cant say no, you are not been given a option, then you have no other option

With for instance work

You cant just stop

And companys need desperation, have you tried to apply to a job lately?

So the idea is, we just base line level the entire global system

And then we can look again at what a job should look like


Like i got some errors

But the phx server is compiling

The poison library seems to be missing in the mix.exs

Like i am reformating it to be a api, which calles the monero api

Like the local code is janky but works already

I want something we can put onto a server and call it like a api

Like i am still not decided on rust or elixir

Actually why would i need to call that code like a api?

I dont.

It just needs to use the rpc instead off my prototype cli tinkering

Like the bash is fine for internal testing

If we push it, we can rewrite it to rust

Aaah i see why rust, it compiles down to assembly

Btw why the team member field is not filled out

Is bc i gave posy the code to review

But i never heard anything about it, so i just pushed it like this

Like idk which name she want on there, same with miss shark

Those are names i have given them, they probably want to use their own chosen names



The small vps doest have the space for docker

I am done for now

I tried the droplet, but idk

Like they are pointed there

Like i will try later to see if they need time to update, but then i give up

Domain is up



I set the swap up to 3gb

Like it probably just errors bc of a short spike

Like torch did that too

Like 20 gb ram for like half a sec and then back to 2


The cpu is timing out at 50% wtf

It tells me to update something, i will do that

So either the hosters cpu is iffy

Or i need to update random things

I increased the node memory limit, added swap

I give it 1 more try then i am installing the docker image

If that docker also fails, i need to talk to my hoster

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