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Did The Future Already Happen? – The Paradox of Time

They used the paper analog i couldn’t find a example of

This is couched in the subject object distinction

The block is a object and the subject is in it

There is the possibility of something happening, a possibility block

And a actuallity block

But now, everything is multidimensional and hyper objects

The possibility block is multiple actuallity blocks

In which the possibilitys which didnt happen are as existing as the ones which do

They are all in super position

The individual has their actuallity block,

But one perception is different from another

Its assuming a static mechanistic clock like universe, its atomistic

The actuallity block as a whole counting all individuals, is multiple contradicting hyper actuallitys

All existing and all equally valid

I may think its red, but the next person sees it as grey

Both are actuallity

Both can be true and false at the same time

But the probability spaces and actuallity spaces, which are just there so the individual has a point to relate to

Are all entity and non entity existing

Like language starts breaking down at that level, its a linguistic limitation

If we redefine existence as including non existence, as a abstraction space

Like math, it doesnt exist physically , but it exists

Then it makes more sense

But you need to subscript everything below which is usual individual perception of existence within abstraction

So lets define 1 as hyper existence and the other can stay as it is

Then it should make more sense

But ppl stop listening and comprehending

Bc you used the word hyper

And they dont know what that should mean, its fuzzy language

Like coders have no issue with that, they can just define new variables with meaning

But in general ppl dont do that

They use the authority sanctioned terms which have peer group validity and verification

Meaning, if they havent heard it on tv 10 times, its probably not real



Found this in Stuttgart

Like my stepmum proudly told me she visited a church on holidays

Like there is nothing particularly interesting about churches, they buildings

What is interesting to me is the symbolisms

Bc if you know the layout of the general structure, you can read how someone else encoded it

Maybe they found something you didn’t yet

Like everyone is giving explanations

But the symbolisms can be read in multiple ways

And all are valid

Like its something psychological it seems

In perception

Some ppl hear a word,and its like a drawer with all associated ideas opens

Like me too,so like I look at a symbol, and get everything I know,in relation to that symbol looking at it

If you have something like this you have a depth to read in for like forever

And like cross reference and get new insight

For instance the eagle is a symbol for like 10 things,and then you have where it is in the composition, and symetrys,and its on a cross in a circle,and a circle can be seen as a wheel ,and then you get all the meaning related to wheels

Like its a multidimensional puzzle box my symbol structure can parce and get new relations about reality from

Like its like ppl are mapping reality since forever,and encrypt it in symbolisms

Like you shouldnt confuse the map with the territory, but like

My fascination is bc I can read the symbolism else you just go

Aah pretty wall, idk why ppl care

Or they think its interesting, their unconscious feels the value,but the conscious does not know how to translate it,like hmm..



This is chilling in our kitchen now


Does God Speak to You?

Yes, but whenever you are speaking in absolutes you are probably wrong

Bc you are not accounting for edge cases and variation

Like its usually assumed ppl know which axioms you are using i do that too

You assume the other person already knows you are applying a filter for

Everything fractals out at the edges into infinity anyways, but we need to define a focus point

Its a occhams razor like tool

If its not like a wave function in a mental box for easy calculation and comprehensiveness

Then the absolute is probably you throwing darts into the aproximate direction

And your brain auto filtered the complexity for you

Like you brain assumes 1 scale usually and opperates there

And whats more conplex than that, gets iconized

Into, it exists or not

Is it darkness or light

Oh dark, food, exists

Like different tools for perception are used on the same plane of scale

So like its not wrong, but when you are declaring absolutes, its usually your limitation of perception, the thing itself is the shadow of a hyper object beyond any full comprehension

Like the solution is subscripting it

Like on a paper

Heres this term, but is has this little star to indicate there is actually something funny there



Ppl reinvented slavery

For something which could have been solved by a long stick



I am not trying to fix the social systems bc i care so much about general society

Like my brain is litterally incapable of comprehending that amount of ppl

Its unlikely i care about something i cant comprehend

But who knows, reality is strange sometimes

Its more that i found my solution

And the state here is actually paying for it

So its like a social debt thing

Like i could just not, it would not be expected

But i can and i have nothing better to do,

I read all that stuff, might as well use it~

Like openness to experience, i am creative

My psychological structure requires me to explore anyways

Like i have read the statistics on money

Like it usually goes up with age

Its a time game

, probabilistically

And the border to happiness is like 50-60k a year or something, after that its just more coins

Like i got all the black tools bc i was expecting the solution to be expensive

Which it is everywhere else

Like canada is also cheap i think

But like i luckily dont need them

Like that saved me a lot of trouble

So like i can actually try to fix the thing which annoyed me the most


Like it probably would never have been a issue without something beeing off

But like ppl like to be high, and there are ppl with other stuff, which basically play on extra hard

Like it still in its texture has the old class structure, even tho we are now democratic and socially fluid

It still kinda operates like that

So like would be neat if i can put in a floor for the ppl in a simular situation, which i obviously never met

And the ppl who just like to be high

Like we dont need to chain ppl to the pots to melt the sugar

We have robots now

We can take the systems to keep the slaves from running away bc the pots are hot af out and put something more humane there



You are smart but everything you touch magically dies

So girls in their usual fixing guys manner obviously went

Actually why does everything die

If i can fix that, that would actually be interesting

So after the 2nd girl trying that it was already routine

Like i really think its related to that brain part which regulates hormone production and heat regulation

Bc i am currently just radiating heat, and it gets normal with the seringe

And thats probably why i am so eepy all the time

Bc i am just randomly burning all that energy

Like it could be a survival adaptation

Bc like flu etc, are heat sensitive

Thats why you get fevers, its your body trying to burn out all the attackers

So either its constantly thinking there is a infection or something

Or its just malfunctioning and upheating for no reason

Or its a survival adaptation, where higher body temp has proven useful in reproduction, bc you get less illnesses at a higher temp

Like just regarding me, in general its a multi varryed issue

But that doesnt explain why everything magically dies

Probably Impulse control, which is also managed by that



I didn’t come in threw the frontend of the system

I had done a depth analysis of language and social systems

I had dug from prelitterate history to the current systems to find what i was looking for

I had taken apart language, reality and perception itself x times by that point

I just go arround all the cultural propaganda into the backend of the system

Bc like i already knew all the sales techniques and cultural manipulations

Like they have the solution, i chill here, cool

And like the trans ppl are actually quite nice ppl

Like i would have sided with whomever has a solution

Like i build and support where i know i dont move somewhere else, like obviously

Like whats the point of making friends if you move somewhere else anyways

Like i am quite happy with the ppl arround

I really lucked out

To like be around ppl who can stand my symptoms

Like i owe those fluffs something


Like this mania is not good for keeping up social relationships

Like it will rarely show up in social contexts without specific reasoning

Like what would i gain by mentioning any of that

If someone else could fix it, i would have seen that solution already

I got to transgender stuff completely randomly by flirting with a girl

Like by that point multiple girls had tried, and couldn’t find what exactly the issue was either

Like i am smart, so whoever would have solved that, would have gotten quite a good mate

But no one including me had any idea

Till that random girl completely out of context mentioned transgender in a different context, and i googled the symptoms to understand the context

And was like

Aaaaah no

Dont tell me,

Cross refferencing match after match

Aaaah f

Like it would have been the last place i would have looked

Like transgender ppl, arent they like doing something political, why would it be there

How would that correlate

Like the furry thing actually saved me, like my mindframe

Bc i already had a identity involved in that subgroup

So switching there wasnt too confusing on my mentals~

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