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Mine gave me the idea to do a ama

Ill probably do it once the fedi server is up~




I got a haircut too

Heres a pic i never posted


Mine has found

Someone to flirt with

Feels weird

But that guy is a vibe

I am also writing with someone

This feels so weird

But like i will get used to it i feel like

Like posy is also arround, like i started it

Like i am happy but also jelly

But also curious about new person

I feel like new thing scawwy but i like

But i will need to announce clearly when i want attention

Bc thats the main thing i feel like

Bc as soon as you are with a person, like its no issue

The prethinking is what gets you scared

Maybe i can flirt more with posy now, thats a definite plus



Can i turn it on amd off with a button or does it just scramble my feed without option of reversing it?



I have done profitable things

, But i never understood why they are that

Like you get more than you spend

And sit somewhere with ppl and have something these ppl want

Like thats how far i got

Like the dirty things are all off

In this scenario we are running a honest business

Like if you manipulate someone into buying obviously they’ll buy, bc they were expecting something else

Like none of that

Like i am looking for the raw essence

But like haven’t found it yet

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