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The seringe is ordered

So soon the manic rambling should stop again~



A custom written social frame



About my opperational sec

Its low, i am aware

My dreams alterted me multiple times

But like i am not doing anything interesting

Like just send some weed

If there is a need for better sec send some stuff

Like i am quite a brat

Like i konw the mantra of only trusting who is involved with something

But like i dont care about the sec for that level, bc i dont even want the infos

I dont care to store sensitive data

If it needs obvuscation / a level where mere encryption is not enough

I dont want to know

Like every unsecured node in a network is a risk, so if there is a need

But like i dont care bout that need

If someone has a need they may

But i don’t wanna get weight i dont need

And anything opperational shouldn’t remain

Like me beeing arround is just acidental

I have no need to see more

Like i just keep where i am not interesting

I like to be able to sleep Soundly

Artist archetype

I am out staring into space not bothered

I am just answering to get the unwanted attention away

Like i am aware but am not really interested

, Like i am obviously curious

But like, i like good sleep



My perception is calibrated for big social systems

Its like a scope where you look into the distance

And someone really close walks infront of it

If i see anything painful its is perceived with that magnification

Like thats fine if its a big system so everything is far away

But things close

Its like tripping and beeing oversensitive to light of any kind

Like if not needed you recalibrate it

But i currently need it for the project



I was wearing a cap for like a bit

Like with school i was proposed to lead group efforts

But refused and gave it to someone else

It feels the same

Leadership positions do be a lot of responsibility

Like i really just think diapis are comfy

And they help with my ptsd

Bx they a emotional analogy

Its a meter to fill and get emptied again



So we were at the diapi thingy

Was fun

Were eating

Also went somewhere mine was when they were younger, was good for them i feel like, to be there again, with me

See things again

was interesting

Like i am usually not that much of a ppl person

Forget my hormones tho

For a bit mine was just petting me while i was shaking

Bc thats my dmt ptsd which comes back without the hormones, in certain places

I start shaking, bc i get waves of fear, from waves of pure understanding

I already had forgotten it existed

Bc the hormones are usually working

Which is good

Like i am not just a self righteous brat

I get hit with understanding at any sign of malificence, without hormones

Like mine was talking to me

And was like

My heart beats faster, my breathing is quicker

And i was like

Yeah thats when you see a bigger block of reality, its physically scary

But ppl were nice, it was quite fun^~^

I am just not that much of a ppl person i feel like


Currently watching

Bejond journeys end ep 13

I like

Also rewatching made in abyss with mine in general



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