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Issue is

I actually liked the person

But they have seen as many ethics courses as me

Meaning zero



The person who died is unrelated to everything else

Just didn’t expect random death ,it was like 10 in the morning

Hope they okay





I was just at my therapist

And actually on time

Like 10 in the morning

I get a message, assumed a dog died

But someone person may be dead

Like my answer was

Good thing I am already on my way to the therapist


Today’s st Valentines day here

Get yours something

And if lonely, lick someone in the same situation


I picked

Where I think I can help the most

That’s what I focus on


Like you could

Ask why I am not more empathic in that regard

I feel like it comes down to

If I were not emphasizing It wouldn’t concern me

I feel like everyone has different strategies for encountering malevolence

And from what I can judge its usually a hormonal function mixed with a genetic predisposition, which causes ppl to do such things

Like just guessing

In the end it boils down to

Nature is not society

Like you can just use lower systems to go around that

But it would again be blind to its surroundings

Its hard to blame the recently invented individual from the citizen class

As its quite a young spirit/abstraction

Like my existence stirred ppl up enough

Me pointing it out by existing in my manner of attitude already changed things

As all change must spring from the individuals themselves

No one will believe something they haven’t verified themselves

My awareness of it was read and understood

And therefore gave a mirror to refflect

Connection in this case also is the only healing thing

Everyone is allowed to be redeemed by themselves

Someone once said to me

You are not responsible for other ppls decisions

My viewpoint is known by declaration

That’s the most I can do

Everything else would be killing hydra heads instead if root traits

Which Is certainly preferable

But in the end its a low level hydra

I emphasize with single ppl I know if in presence

But in general I have to be humane to myself in my assumptions of what is possible to do as a person

In the end it’s probability a function of the genetic trait structure or something

Like you learn to pick your battles BC time is limited

And there is probably someone better suited than me to contend with that

Like its still a thing , but I have limits by definition


Like mine said that

I am vaguely referencing the theorems

I don’t remember which one it was

I am just generally pointing into the direction of the thing

Like they have subclasses

And expect ppl to use gpt or something to filter the dataset


Goerdels incompleteness theores

Indicate there can never be a complete system of higher logic

BC in any sufficiently complex system like social interactions there will always be a set of sets

Unless the system is open, it is certain to be reductive

BC you are not writing out the r group on your molecule

It can’t be that there is a closed all explaining system in advanced language

Its impossible or a singularity

Which is as a point abstraction covering up a fractal in your thinking to hide complexity and not go mad all the time

Reality is seamless

Any system you define, can never have the privilege of being undoubtedly true

Unless its open or self referencing

But if it’s self referencing its a paradox

That’s a limitation of being a monkey


But that

View is fundamentally reductive

Bc it operates in a vacuum

I once geared like one of the stock ppl saying

The crypto funding is probably the overspill from the normal fiat economy,which makes sense

So what I feel like

Is that the old naturally decaying culture is slowly decaying ,and therefore moving value into the next environmentally adapted field of value

We are actually in the process of using a separating dualism in form if the roman opposition counter culture

To propagate the system

Like we are basically literally, yes,in language, building the future

They corrupt by nature, but at least we should start with something in

Livable conditions from a empathic standpoint

BC measuring by the weakest is like measuring by the inner and literal child

Yes blank slate fallacy, children can be really evil

Like we don’t need more suffering

And the only thing which truly heals is connection and sharing


What I mean

Is the moral relativity

BC ethics and morals are linguistic perceptions

And therefore prone to paradox

Like I get the thinking

It just didn’t feel like a healthy mindset to me

Meaning not leaving mental damage, on me

Like malevolence will always be present in existence

I just personally dont need to like that

Like integration of the shadow is part of a complete psychic mandala

I just got hit with something heavy

I am out


What else i need

Is raisors

, and underwear

Like mine is fine

I just think its never a bad idea to feel better if you can

Like i need to buy that in person tho

I need to feel if the fabric is comfy

Like its always so hard to find comfy ones

I bet the opperation will fix that too


Like my mood is good, those seringes are pure magic

I eep

Echo “Nini world”


I needed

A new hoody

Pink was the only one in my size and it looks like good quality sewing

Like i let gpt make a search querry again and then looked there

Thing is, i need a female hoody

Bc those are cut with tits in mind

Like i am living and girls try to pin down if i am a threat bc tatoos n fluff

And i noticed, like i am just ignoring it,

That when i adjust my shirt upward, bc i have tits and it missaligns and i get uncomfy

So i adjust it

They just loose interest and

Oh female, nevermind

And go back to whatever they were up to

So like its a known issue which is generally seen as socially valid in the female structure continuum

By my estimation

So investing in fixing that seems reasonable

And its actually not that expensive for a hoodie

And like quality looks okai, its a basic hoodie

I would have liked green, but pink is also gender affirmative

Like a bit high in visibility, but its fine

And is cotton



Mine was with me when i did the seringe

And was like

Finally you stopped

Its finally silent

And i agreed

I am goody again

Like those seringes seriously kick you out into space

Like physically

In the beginning i had to do them in the clinic

Went to make the next appointment

Handled the appointment

And then had to lay down 5-10 minutes before i could leave

I was just way too out

Like everything is suddenly working again

I feel emotionally better

No inner turmoil

Like a bit

But 89 % are just resolved

And that percentage rises with each time i take it

I am terribly scared of that opperation but if thats what i then get constantly

Like so worth the risk

I am at equilibrium again

I am waiting for my gummy form and then i can stop smoking again

Bc i keep coming back bc i still like weed

Like i am stable

And then i can just eat my candy and be happy

Like i usually make low dose daytime

Bc i wanna be high, but still able to do things

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