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Image scaling

Like issue is, its basically the bg of a div

So i need to redo my frame

Like i also want dropshadows again


Like i did


Its just my general gravity distorting the social space

I have the weight of both gender structures and a money distribution project on me

My event horizon just chilling

Will draw in things, including small pyramids



My stance is still

Prohibition never worked

And we need to find actual solutions

If that or anything else

Like if i have to bet on something to solve that

Its probably vr



I get that social spot

, bc this was my test before the hormones

Like its clear which coin side i would have been on

Like i need to make a new one and see how it looks

Probably way less extreme

Like thats my mindstate without hormones



It made me wonder

How my life would have played out without hormones making and selling lsd

Bc they reminded me a lot of myself before the hormones

Like i am too close to that issue to solve it

Like i am happy where i am but

Like nostalgia

I think i will stop concerning about it



On why not just call the police

Bc nothing happened

Like call was for me to make my pick of who i want

But i am a sub i am not picking

And i lack the testo impuls to want to

Everyone who could be affected just unconsciously stuck arround me

Like as mine began to relaize

She was like a bit frantically asking if we shouldn’t do something

Me and the others just told them there is nothing to do

Bc this was over long before mine realized

Like my presence distorted the social room

Like i dont mention it openly and fracture the control pyramid

And they are usually kind enough to not involve you in things you don’t want to see

Like nothing happened

And i dont tell on the person

Like they didn’t misstep, they are aware, what is the police gonna do

Also its bad curtesy to involve police

Like your aware whats your bribe for shutting up take your pick

Like if i had a better solution i would propose it, but i don’t

I dont need the pick but i will still not draw up who it is exactly

Like the social frame is clear

But even if i dont like it

I dont have a better solution

Also ppl playing animal are prone to playing pred and prey

Like i said issue is i liked the guy

Before the hormones i would have just made my pick

Its not the first or last of these places

Mine could have picked, but they were really protective of me the entire time, so i also didn’t move quickly

Like they dragged a big af teddy across the thing for me

I dont have a reason for beeing there i just acidental ly ended up there following mine

I am happy if i can still sleep

Btw mine got me red roses

Like i dont like the ethics of it, but i vibe with the ppl

But like i dont go looking for those place

Like no one gonna catch a smart person

If you dont have a better solution, why interfere


I always

Forget that ppl actually read what i am saying

Like i am mentally at

Oh i have 20 views this month, thats neat

Like first i wasnt looking at the statistics, now i just lost track


Like it was showing arround 500, but no idea what, monthly? Dayly? Yearly?

It also shows some multi digit big num, thats total, but in what time

Like i forget ppl are reading ~

Hi ppl^~^

Backsliding from the 4th wall break tho

Like at least i am sure ppl get enaugh sl-eepy

Drink more water

I dont have more wisdom

I hope everyone is having a good day

Keep going your doing great and i am proud of you



For ppl close to me, bc i have seen mine think about it

If something gets misinterpreted

There is no need to play into that and make it bigger

All i do here is chill and exist

Thats enaugh actually

Everything beyond that is me in mania, or tea chatter

Like keeping a show up is a lot of work

And ppl seem happy with me informing them when i pee my diapi

But beyond that is just the flow of causality exfoliating its existence into patterns


I still

Havent made much friends here or found a job

Il try to wrap up the project and get to socializing

Whats missing

Core debug

Cron it

Be done

Like its live then

It can chill there while i do some other things

Like i can finish and leave then

Do some beauty stuff arround it

And come back in some years

Like it eats money and distributes it

Its clear why you would join the network, bc you benefit, and why you would feed it

Like fedi could just put up 1 donation adress and it gets distributed to all instances

Like ill try to wrap it up and then get to the next thing



You could suppose I am actually treating the PTSD with the hormones

Yes,but its not the root cause

It just happens to be at a magnitude where it includes the PTSD,

Like I am growing body parts n fluff


Thats what i mean with


You dont need a rss board

But you can have one

Like ppl just like to compare each other

The core does the same


Rss feed leaderboard

Pipe it into rss

And brag with it

Seems like something reasonable

Also we can track network growth on a anonymous system

No one has to tho


Which should be the working output of this

As soon as core is debugged

I may combine them

You just tell it who it should share with and it shares with those

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