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It seems to be going to weaving

Like makes sense

So i should use those analogys, i see


Now it worked

But i am looking for something different

Thats beautiful


I feel

Lik i killed it again

Its loading forever ~


Me and mine decided to do walks now

At least me

I need Sport again


I like this


Why is that

Phrased like a benefit

It should look more like this

Both remote,


I asked

Its just a convenient way of transportation



Woke up

Mine smoked the last weed

So i sat on her

I told her i love her

She asked why

Its bc i love you, silly

Even if you smoke the last weed

Then she told me she smoked the last 2 weed

She gets spankies

Like she so cute sometimes

Like she hides when she randomly buys weed

But when she notices i am not mad at her

She still tells me

Like she has the impuls of,

I did something and i am gonna get punished and hides the evidence

But then she doesn’t

Like she probably doesn’t know why, bc its repeated and she still hides it

Like yes, stop spending random money on drugs, i agree

But i will never punish her for that

Weed is great, the consumption method is just deadly

Meaning smoking it

Unfortunately its gone now

Still love her to death


Like dont

Get me wrong

I still really much promote sexual explicitness

Like consent is the big thing

Like there are like arm bands with different colors at parties for reasons

The thing is it’s stupid to overstep that line

Usually just telling the person and asking does the same

Like its trying to steal something which a person would already just give you

That behavior i am odd about

And ppl know that, thats why they usually speakeasy

But it’s in my experience mostly unnecessary

Like if you have to use a slight of paw you are overdoing it

Like not saying games are off the table

Like if you see a disparity in common knowledge within the group and use that to your advantage

Thats a slight of pawb, thats folding informational space to look into the future

You expended extra energy to do that

But you can just tell the person and probably get the same thing

Especially if you are able to fold info layers

Like its consent, which assumes the other party at clear judgment

And then you can push them into the ground like a slut

From there you can place mirrors

Like that smell a lot better to me personally

But may be a personal preference

There are savewords for a reson

Idk the behavior pattern just creeps me for some reason, may be the hormones idk


Like the thing about fedi is

I can just expand my filter bubble

And see how relative my viewpoint is

I may concern with my picked feed

everyone arround me may concern ai, but 1 group over its not even on the list

And the general global world is doing whatever its doing

Forestbot and wordl

Like its quite explosive for me

Bc there are interesting bots to find now that ai exists, like before too, but now they so powerful

Like there are different interfaces and apps for it

Like its not a company, its a protocol

And different ppl build different interfaces to display the datastream



Beauty of the bot


Like what i mean is

Socials system weight is structural weight

Inheld within identity

The assumption that humans are seperate from their surrounding structures is obscure

What i mean is

Your behavior patters, meaning what you associate with you, is what changes based on what you do

And the preposed assumption is now


We can actually read that, as knowing what our environment does is fundamentally important for our survival

Including social environment

So bc now the structure of society is the linguistic pools between us

Like math is not numbers but the relationship between numbers

This environment actually changes

And ppl are like interference patterns where the wave form is particularly saturated

Like there exist no electrons

There are probably clouds

So weight is a unit of all possible influences in time

Like but thats waaay too complicated

So i just use singularitys as a place holder, bc they do the same

And they also have the inward flow

I am raving~



Jq error

I have no output yet

But its not complaining

Running the entire core, local wallet, open node

Like i dont see what its doing, bc it not giving debug

May be working


only kink is, that it doesnt have going back on the keyboard input as your used to, but its a small thing, annoying, but small bug, needs a folder and file

[root@sharyng SHARE]# cat share  


display_spleens() {
	echo "You can add spleens in the /spleens folder."
    echo "Spleens available:"
    ls "$spleens_folder"

assemble_command() {
    echo "Available tools (spleens):"
    ls "$spleens_folder"
    echo "Hint: Assemble your command using pipes. Example: cat spleen1 | grep 'pattern'"
    read -p "Enter your command: " user_command
    echo "You entered: $user_command"

    read -p "Do you want to save this command to Streams? (y/n): " save_choice
    if [[ "$save_choice" == "y" ]]; then
        echo "$user_command" >> "$streams_file"
        echo "Command saved."

        read -p "Do you want to execute this command now? (y/n): " exec_choice
        if [[ "$exec_choice" == "y" ]]; then
            echo "Executing command..."
            eval $user_command

display_streams() {
    echo "Saved streams:"
    cat -n "$streams_file"
    read -p "Enter the number of the stream to execute or 'q' to return to the menu: " choice
    if [[ "$choice" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
        selected_command=$(sed "${choice}q;d" "$streams_file")
        echo "Executing selected command: $selected_command"
        eval $selected_command
    elif [[ "$choice" == "q" ]]; then
        echo "Invalid selection."

main_menu() {
    while true; do
        echo "Main Menu:"
        echo "1. Spleens"
        echo "2. Stream Editor"
        echo "3. Display and Execute Streams"
        echo "4. Quit"
        read -p "Select an option: " option

        case "$option" in
                echo "Exiting."
                exit 0
                echo "Invalid option. Please try again."

# Check if spleens folder exists, create if not
mkdir -p "$spleens_folder"

# Check if Streams file exists, create if not
touch "$streams_file"

# Run the main menu

Something like this

Its basically

Starting the node connection from a open node to localhost,

then using the rpc

It connects to the localhost on which the remote node runs

Like that feels wrong

Like the rpc should do both but i haven’t gotten that to work yet

, however

It connects to a open node, while accessing the local wallet using the rpc

And then core runs rpc comands onto the local wallet

Which is connected to a open node

So i have wallet access and dont need to download the entire chain

If it works

Which it doesnt yet

But the parts are there

Also i like my cli

It made arranging what i am actually doing so easy



May be exaturated, bc purpose is, so

If you go to a cheese party, there will ne cheese

Getting cheese would not be a bribe

Still dont like the taste




> cli frontend y

>>core y < —


>>>>open node wallet

>>>>>live prototype



> multiplayer <–

>>generative characters

>>>generative terrain





I would like to get to the live prototype for internal use

And then switch to vr

Like if the girls feel like it, they can just add functionality as plugins to share

Do fedi

And i pivit to vr dev

Like i will be in mania soon again,

By there i would like the prototype to be up and running

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