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I never had police be bad to me

They were always friendly and polite

So i respond in kind

Like systemic things are a different vector

But the ppl themselves cant change that

Like there are always exceptions to everything

But i like if things are at a normal talking volume

Like i said, i will just chill with everyone

There are bad ppl everywhere and there are good ppl everywhere

But hating on a entire group seems strange, as a trans person, at least to me

Like i would call ppl hating on all trans ppl stupi,

So i should probably not sit and hate on other groups

Bc i know its stupi



I asked about the clearance requirements

And they got to drugs

Like i have a random 5 tabs of lsd in the extended record

Like the extended record wont affect your job or anything

But like if they looking for license plates they know

Like i was curious and just went to the police

Payed my fee and never heard about it again

To the person with the job

Like i just said i was selling under a registered business and it was random tabs i got for fun

Which it was

Like they wanna know if you have a heroine addiction and if someone offers you some you’ll talk

Like i would recoil in horror to someone offering me lsd

Like we’ll see

I feel like its no issue tho

Like the police guy i was with at some new year was also like

Yeah your no issue

Your polite

Like they are worried about the guys with a testo push who got a gun and paralize themselves when they understand what that tool means

Like i took too much lsd to touch that

The understanding of what it means to touch that hits me too hard

They are worried about the ppl spiraling out of control with a bunch of money

Like i always held it like that

If i am selling speed and making everyone neurotic, id rather have them give me a call

Than breaking down my door

Like i am approachable

Like i dont think the clearance is a issue, but we’ll see



I think i have a job now, but no idea

They’ll check the clearance or something

We’ll see

I will do my best to finish the code swiftly

So it done


I just

Send mine a pic of my butt

I actually look like a cute girl

So gender affirmative

Didn’t expect that, but i like it a lot



The apps on the unsafe phone

Are beeing funky, timing out and not loading

Like something needs a better design

And i don’t mean the apps

The phone is possibly also just dying



Security clearancs are quite common in my general domains

Like obviously you don’t ask about them

Its just general background noise

Nothing anyone gives a second thought about

If someone has a higher key to the pyramid, you probably don’t wanna know what they are doing anyways, if you like your sleep

If you need one someone will give you one

Like there was a anime I watched with like a scp style setup

Person Brought character there and dipped at the door like

I don’t know what’s in there and I don’t wanna know, good luck

Like these clearances are the best excuse to dip out of areas you don’t wanna be in in the first place

Like I don’t have access, have fun

Like the social network is segmented like a VM

You don’t wanna walk into a infected box

Like they are great protection for the individuals too



There is information degregation on everything

It has the same value as a commercial for chicken sticks

Its heard and forgotten 1 tik tok binge later


business man


I will put

That under commercially affiliated and remove the state link

Like everything involving sensitive data may need a clearance

Nothing happened, keep scrolling


Or telegram



That job is state sponsored with security clearance

I mean sure

If you ppl have something to do

Just tell me what i should shut up about

All places are alike to me

You pll be chilling in the strangest places i swear

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