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We run

Our system first to show it works then give it out to test


Like this

Is not the first time i see a big structures attention

Like i completley understand why ppl mistake them for angles ,or call them that

They are like pure light with immense magnitude

Almost if not breaking your mind


Code is basically

Done for internal use,last mile

Thank you for the attention please move on now

Much apprechiated



For implications

Cant tell,i am running arround those since like a year,basically the same as universal basic income

But also other things

Its tranfering the sharing it does onto whatever is in the social system

Like it seems that may work

Its taking a concept ,downloading it into matter via code and then supercharging it with money

In this case sharing

Implemented by math division



For the prototype ,we testing internally,then give put for ppl to test

Collect rl results and then try to make it serverless


Aaah i have attention

The project

It shares money

It uses mathematical division

Its using code instead of ppl

I should really have left the project page up

This is a headache

You give it money,it shares it to a entire group in equal amounts

I have a flow chart for tech,i gib that and be happy


Like you can tell

Bc if you close your eyes it doesnt get completley dark,even wih your hands infont of your face

Like the


Ppl talk about is litteral

And it will trace down over time afyer you touched somthing like that

Its attention manifested

Its a symptom of perception you actually experience

Like it goes away again

But it means you looked into the sun too much

Wih the sun beeing the source of all creation and pattern

Its existence will blind and burn you alive

At least mentally from what i can tell till now


Its like

Ppl get dizzy from

Youbahve soundwaves in a room wih many ppl right

Those echo off the walls and collect in the center

Most ppl will never notice

But some ppl get dizzy from that n stuff

Idk their perception is more sensitive for that

But its like if you dont know such thngs make no sense ,but like reasonably yes, makes sense

Its such things

Like i always got puki in any car as a child

Now i know why

Also cant read in cars for some reason


You dont just interact with those bigger planes of existence

It will physically strain and hit

Too much complexity at ones will fry you alive

You pay for doing that

I turned the work phne completley off

It helps a bit

I also turned off the below darkness of phone setting

Bc i noticed ,i can see the refresh rate when its on

Like i said i randomly walked into the neurodivergent pannel at ef and they made a joke abut puking at big social events

And i was sitting there like

Wait thats a thing? Its not normal to get dizzy and puke with that

Like i seem to be quite prone to having too much perception in certain areas and it physically hits me

I may have a bit of a fever~

Like no worries tho,i will be fine

Just some rest


I feel like

I got hit by a comet

Yesterday i had a nervous breakdown and crying

And my unconscious spilled over into my concious

And i feel like now i am getting hit be the recursion ~



Canabis just get legal


Okai, now that thats handled

I use the normal mindframe again

If they wanna play they will

And if or not i have Adressed that option

And focus on the rationalism which us left under occhams razor


The universe

Is a child at play

So let me rephrase

Hiwi miss aincent social structure, i am lia

You wanna come and play together with us?

I am sure we can all become great friends ^~^

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