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Okai checked my emails, ate something, showered

Lets see~


It seems they have dried, i still dont like the consistency, i will leave out to see if it melts

The powder seems to have properly dissolved

So the amount of liquid phase was good

I should have gotten a bigger mold tho~

I will see^~^



Its not normal behavior, measured by me scratching threw my skin every time it gets to that time period, which was constant before the seringe

And right after it completely vanishes

Like i know something is off

Its just each time i hope i was just imagining it, bc it was stabally gone

Aaaand its back

Like this will get worse till the 10th,i take my meds on scedule and it heals again

Aaaah yaaay 14 days of flying cant wait

Like i said, i dont like the seringes at all

Like mine asked too when i did it, bc i like let them sit in the room first, so i can get acquainted to them beeing arround

But they work

I dont like them, but they 100% fix all mu issues, and their related sub issues, mental or physical, in 1 go, its pure magic

Btw i had some body dismorphya the other day

Bc i have tits now

So i like needed to manually readjust my body image, to include the tits

Bc i just grew new body parts, the image i had in my subconscious about my bodys outline suddenly changed

Much better now

Especially bc they have social effects, so its odd if that point of refference isnt mapped



I am clearly barking at random things it seems

Like the tone of the bark i dont mean,

But i certainly am

, again..



Mine fed me brownies, i am back to reality

, apparently

Like that is the usual pattern

While the seringe is not there, other thing which works is high dose psychedelics

I am reasonable currently

Like i always am, but like i am less bratty ~

Like this normal post not rave


Like i have sheet

Jello stuff,i will try that that gets heated up 100%, but i wait how these turn out


Like you

Can chron the script

So it executes at different times,

So you can build themporal networks

Lets say share to left wallet and right wallet

Sleep 10

Share from left to wallet a b c

That is all done by piping it the wallet adresses into stdin ,as a string or file,which it auto detects

And can parce


That will be open source

Like i will test the distribution system of share on my projects too

Like its quite versetile

I can do my bookkeeping with it and distribute it into sub accounts which create a ledger

Like i have the acidental spreader,which spreads to vr etc

So i can have it hirarchically or with nodes

I will see

Like its a bank autopayment,but as a code tool and to multiple accounts

I post the game code for other ppl to use

Its great marketing too

With what i already have



What i will focus my efforts on in terms of vr

Is structure

I want to use the same way dungons were assebled early in 2d

With premade modules

But in vr

I assume there is a industry for characters and materials already,which is evolving and getting better

So i focus on how the personalities in conjunction with characters are assembled

Like ai is great,but it also needs to be able to trade and level

Like ill work on how the underlying structure for generation works

Like minecrafts seeding

I feel like thats quite powerful , and i can then commect that to whichever assets are currently available

Maybe i look for which math does it in nature and see which paradigms i can change and modify

Like i like stories ,but i love randomly generating things,just bc of the complexity you can get with a really simple setup

Like relativeley simple,but like you not painting mountains every tme~



Put them in the fridge now

It said to not heat it

Which is strange,but okai

Ill see,else i learned something,thats good


Like i need to connect the smtp

I want 1 on firefox and 1 on neomutt

For scripting

Which start at startup

I wanted to out the fedi server up~ where did i left off,

Like i wanna get near doing code again


The recepiet

Said to first do a normal run to

test how they come out,so thats what i did

Filled with water

Without water -64



This is not tared,but cup is 25, half water

Half fruit juice =50+cup 25

Factor is 10

3g gelatine

Clean everything and prepare for the next step

I just used a kitchen ting to flatten it

Well see if it will work just flattened~

I also have colors

But its a test run ^~^


I need to do something about these cables,also i would like to put some color onto the inside of the case~

Like the motherboard,

Mine died,and i was broke,so i got the smaller version of the board but with 2 years if somwthing goes wrong with it,like it was a miner

I need a

Like what in the world is that voltage

I still need the ssh of the small server under the switch~

Like the hard drive go into the top one as a nas

I need to get a ikea table~

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