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Yes, we’ll see what the veilid ppl come up with

You can read less as non or not many

It depends on the context

Ppl are building, calculateing in a future which doesnt exist yet

They just take whats available in the end, obv



2 dest adresses

Need to pull some money onto the share wallet and then i test

Couldn’t find random open testnet nodes to use~



Bank website still down


Like someone would have to

Trust me

Blockchains on the other are trustless systems

Like depends on the chain

Eth had some hickups in its history with its chain

But like i dont have to get permission

From someone who saw a random statistic go up or down



I am not responding bc i am making food and bookeeping


Like why

Isn’t payback just giving you money


They have a burocracy called company which they need to keep up so you get stuff back

Like it just wasn’t possible before code

And you can guess no bank would let me play with their code like that

At some point, someone would definitely get scared about something and full api keys


Like ppl

I bet would be way more relaxed about taxes if they see where it goes

Like that would be enormous burocratic thing

Thats why we use code

Like that wouldn’t be possible on monero either, but highlighting the general thing

Like if ppl know who gets how much, they get socially iffy

You did nothing for a month, why u get the same

Bc they may need 2 months, and giving them less wont help

Especially bc their spending feeds the pool too


Like money

Is not finite

Its the measure for value

And the value springs from the individual

The money follows wherever there is the most value

Like the valuable ppl are in valuable places bc there was probably someone with value before that who gives out value in form of money or stocks or whatever

And if they go somewhere where there wasnt value there will be soon

Fennel and coffeeine

Bx ppl imitate behavior

Like if someone posts

I am making cake

Then other ppl may go

Cake sounds cool, i wanna too

Like if you dont give them the receipt, you have created value

But the internet luckily has killed that

Like it remains where it can


The idea is

If you have more value than you need, and this is user choice

You cam automatically give it to the community

So someone else can make value



Would other ppl give away money

They wouldn’t, thats exactly the point we are stumbling over

So we use code which does it by default


Like imagine payback

But you just get money as you spend it

And as other ppl spend meaning

And as the network grows

By default

Without needing a card to collect something

Even if you dont spend you get

But you Profit from spending

At least thats what i would like to see from this


The difference we have

Is all the companies inbetween handling

Like a bank trying this would stumble over their own ecosystem

Bc they probably adjust so downstream providers can still make profits

In this case its directly peer to peer

Removing their time to process and the users need to manually get the money and then redistribute it

The money can just flow

Like banks are obviously already internally botting money traffic

But everyone else can’t, and i doesnt fill a base layer pool for the recursion


Like the idea is

To take the processing out of spending money


Value is a negation of time, broadly assumed

There is a urge to spend it

But everything is upside down bc of the value thing

Like if you have 2 ppl with a spreader

You get payback for what you spend


Like for testing its group based, but there would be nothing stopping us if it works

By spending you automatically share into the group pool of money

Which you again get to spend

Which fills the group pool

Which you get to spend

Its a recursive cycle

But instead of using time in any abstraction

You can use cron, meaning computer time

I know ppl hate the word

But synergys



Cant i say something without being bratty~


Mine sends me cute videos on tik tok

I am crying

Also i never looked bc i refuse to use something without darkmode

But i love her so much

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