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Like i am happy

To provide that

If someone is actually offering me a specific job


I send them a cv

They have not offered me a specific job

I use 50 as a placeholder for if i am not given what i am actually doing

They didn’t tell me, if they always never tell me, with everything, i want min 50

Like i will not resort your database to send me spam about

Jobs which are not remote and probably at the other side of the country

I forgot the date

Can you just mark important things in bold


Like with juice they get a way better base bc it settles down and gives texture

The yellow ones are missing that

The white is from beeing in the fridge

Like who makes food coloring with purple oragne red and black,how about base colors~

But they getting goody,and i get 100 per batch

Got that for like 20 some years ago

Sill munching on it~



Asked if they should get me some cigarettes or energy, but i got gummys now

I said snacks

I am getting so spoiled!

I expected like 1 thing

Btw coffeeine gummys work great

20 mg

But i need to make them with juice, then they get better texture





If you havent noticed

At the beginning of the seringe cycle everything is actually moving at speed

And the more distance

Well basically if my pc is not on fire, thats good

But it breaking to bios is usual

Like things get slower than faster then slower etc


I wonder

How that guy is doing who wanted to lay cables along railroad tracks

Did that work out?

Btw putting them over ground is a lot cheap than under

Rail posted that some time back

Thats why it was cheaper in their country, oooh you have a website, ill need to look

Like no idea about cables tho

But if its too expensive, dont put them underneath

Idk about weathering etx

There certainly is a reason you put them underneath ~



Thats open too



There must be a way to extend that into

Upping the social climate

Like i would like to extend the internal recursions of value feedback into the community arround it

, somehow


They are

Not certain about kids tho

Which makes it interesting

Bc i either just overplan that into account

Or leave it out

But then we need to re again if so

Ill see, i need to talk to some ppl

I need to set guidelines before that tho,.. So much burocracy ~


Thing is

Everything you own also owns you

Like you make decisions

But like if i dont want it anymore i can transfer it to whoever owns it on paper

And move on

But let’s not hope so



Its possible

Bc i do not want to own or profit from it

You can legally separate that and get tax benefits etc

In this case

I just relay those back

If possible, i will see

Bc the less i take out of that system, the less it will snap back at me

If i dont take money out

There is just a oversupply

Making everything related to it much more chill

Bc i dont wanna manage it

Like i will and put the proper systems into place to mitigate sys corruption

Like if you always keep the property up via the overdraft

I dont think i need to worry much

But also obv no profit, and if something is over i feed it back into the same property

Should be a cool pet project ^~^

Like i dont have enauth of those ~



I can do a thing

But i have no real interest in extracting money from it

I just want it bc mine wants one

I will look into it^~^



Mine wants a specific car and a house

Ill look into getting that

Like thats something to go by

Like ill continue my things, but ill also get them what they want

Lets see what i do with that

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