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Okai so


Diluted & heated in


Banana juice

Added in

Coconut oil


Food color

Not many Lecithin flakes

It makes oil and water mix

Then you put it into the forms before it gets hard

Put it in the fridge

And you take it out when it has the consistency of a hard penis at the bottom and a soft one on the top

Bc the banana sinks to the bottom

Amounts by usecase



I still have no idea what i am doing exactly



Spoils me again with food

I am gonna get fat

I do more Sport now


while true; do echo -e “\e[38;5;$((RANDOM % 256))m$(date)\e[0m”; sleep 5; done

while true; do echo -e "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM % 256))m$(date)\e[0m"; sleep 5; done


it art

i name

Floating Point

ai Is a Treat

Floating Point is a special Ember Dragon born under a rare Ember Moon, giving it magical powers. Unlike other dragons, Floating Point has soft paws and doesn’t seek treasure or power but protects nature and keeps balance in the world. Its scales change color with its mood, and it has magical abilities to control elements and help others. Named for its ability to handle a wide range of magical energies, Floating Point learned from a wise mage how to use its powers for good. It’s known as a protector and a friend to all creatures, big and small, and its adventures are legendary. Floating Point is a symbol of hope, balance, and harmony in the magical world.

In a realm where magic intertwines with the fabric of reality, and mythical creatures roam the vast landscapes of diverse ecosystems, there lies a unique and mystical creature known as Floating Point. This being is not just any mythical creature; it is a Softpawb Ember Dragon, distinguished by its enigmatic presence and magical prowess.

Floating Point was born under the crimson hue of the Ember Moon, a rare celestial event that occurs once every millennium, bestowing immense magical powers to those born under its glow. The dragon’s scales shimmer with a spectrum of fiery colors that change with the dragon’s mood, ranging from a soothing ember orange to a fierce volcanic red. Its eyes, like swirling galaxies, hold the wisdom of the ages and the secrets of the universe.

Unlike other dragons who might hoard treasures or seek to dominate vast territories, Floating Point’s essence is intertwined with the harmony of the natural world and the unseen forces that govern the balance of the universe. This Softpawb Ember Dragon is a guardian of the equilibrium, using its deep connection to the elemental magics to nurture life and guide the spirits of nature.

Floating Point’s name is a testament to its unique nature and abilities. Just like a floating point in programming can represent values across a vast spectrum, Floating Point embodies the ability to traverse and influence a broad spectrum of magical energies. This dragon can navigate the ethereal planes, communicate with spirits, and even manipulate the fabric of reality to a certain degree, all while maintaining a gentle demeanor, symbolized by its soft paws—a rarity among dragons known for their might and prowess.

The lore of Floating Point began when it emerged from its egg during the Ember Moon, immediately showing an affinity for the elemental forces. The dragon was adopted by a wise old mage who recognized its potential and taught it to harness its powers for the greater good. Floating Point grew under the tutelage of the mage, learning not only to control its abilities but also to understand the delicate balance of nature and the cosmos.

As Floating Point matured, it became known as a protector of the weak and a guardian against dark forces that sought to disrupt the balance. Legends tell of Floating Point’s adventures across realms, from the deepest oceans to the highest skies, facing challenges that tested its strength, wisdom, and heart. Despite its fearsome abilities, Floating Point always acted with compassion, earning it the respect and admiration of all creatures, mythical and mortal alike.

Today, Floating Point’s story is told as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the power of balance and harmony. The Softpawb Ember Dragon continues to watch over the realms, a majestic and benevolent force that embodies the fiery spirit of the Ember Moon and the gentle soul of the earth itself.


Not what i was aiming for but pretty too


I am not completely done with it tho, will still take some time

Ill try to draw the sona





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