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I mean

It also has its good points

I can take the moral limiters out

Like they are so up bc of the project

Else you cant touch those systems

Its a acess mechanism in reality which does not let ppl with destructive intents etc touch it

I will put them to dark grey

Like i am still not allowed to just take money from the pool of ppl

But everything else

I can reverse the project and use it to collect datastreams

Like ill use the other paradigm again and reclassify ppl as data points

Like i found that to not be fitting

But i then tryed the other thing

Naah it wont let me acess, but like i can just use contracts to do the same

The standard iq of awareness is 100

So everyone below that has insecurities you can classify and exploit in batch pipelines

Like even in a legal framework

I should take my hormones ~

I’ll let this topic rest and do something else

Like i would rather prefer the other thing~



I could but why would i

There is nothing of interest for me to gain

In this case its specifically for a job then


I will

Have to make a new persona then

Ill take a general uni student class

And adjust things by that

Like drug paranoia, sceduling, body posture, finances, bravery, writing style, assertiveness, etc

And then do small adjustments and a backstory

Something easy to understand

But with compassionate flaws

Sex makes me nervous or something

Like the current one is amazing and quite true to myself, almost completely

That would be so boring using a normal one

Like i am trans i need to change persona at least 1ce

I just happen to have had the skills before already

Like get something clean non saying ppl can project their stuff on

Like i will need a exit condition for the sona to break exacution

Like i will bind it to a physical item probably

Like a ring or something

So i can just easily remove the persona again when it annoys me~


Mine said this is me



I try to take them on the same day each month else i loose my rythm

The 10th


Like i know

The shell games were always a thing and are part of the pun_ic flow

Idk something

I am jumping between pre litterate history and now between 2 sentences , and everywhere inbetween, i have given up providing helpful refferences for understanding ~


I mean

Its progress certainly

And i dont claim to be better in any regard

Like it how it started with shamanic traditions and ppl trying to map it

Idk it just feels weird to have some everyone should be able to get for free, meaning understanding

Valued and traded as a limited resource

Idk something smells funny about that


Like i feel like

They are hiding in the shadow of structure, s, from the moving image of eternity and its illumination

Its a sun cult of praying in the dark

For light

In platoes cave

Its those who believe the guy but look out and get blinded, and scared, so they appoint the bravest to go look for some seconds

Like my value is actually high there, but there are more interesting games for my perspective

Or more, its the negation

Of trying to preserve the light probably

It may be a assumption of physical limitations on a infinite resource

Like if light gives insight and you then quantify value by that

But that just ignores the core

That there is actually enough light

The limitations of physical space do not apply for digital resources

Bc we have great history of trying to preserve the light

However, nevermind actually ~


They mapped

The structure but dont see the light flowing threw it


I mean the relativistic pyramid ppl

They see the structure and can engineer mechanisms but have not identified the flows itself

At the top the hyrarchy is void so what theory you use is void

So like every step besides the top is the same in my book

Is all structure

Like as long as i don’t scramble their ideologys of projection

Put differently there is no reason for me to speak

I can go in and out the backdoor without much noise

Its just nothing i care about

They’ll trade and never fully understand it anyways~

Like the ppl are okai, i would just rather do the other thing

I’ll see^~^


8 days

Then seringe

Ill look at the form then

Like it will take me some emotional space to handle ppl beeing mean

Like i know some ppl dont like me that much

I told ppl to write whatever they want into the last form field

And i am gonna take what comes my way~

That feels subby and kinky>~<

Like if i put the code up and do something else

I need to make a persona for that

Something vague and boring everyone can identify with

Like if ppl know my skillset they will just give me more and more work

So i make a persona for that

I go stealth mode

Just say yes to everything and dont question things

Work a job and probably join the structuralists in their quest for superior tools or something

Like i will be bored and need something to do~

Like they are the highest bidder for what i have

I am just brattily ignoring them

Take the money and be satisfied

Like they are eating each other, its such a pain to proxy that

But i would actually like to continue and

I found great friends and grew as a person

I like that

Its so much fun

Ill see

I will not worry

Ill start crying once it happens, either option

For now i watch conan and be parked


Watching Conan

Ep 1000 or something

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