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I also just post songs bc i think they cool

I am conciously keeping my steps like that

If i come to a conclusion by error, and someone wants to know how i got there

And i remove my errors

It makes no sense anymore

If you map something its probably good to mark the cliffs

I am artist, i can completely valid use a spirit, a muse as first cause

Bc artist is a shamanic substructure

The first impuls comes from above

And i am more like a catalyst for lighting


Noting random things

Like eat the rich is a meme which begins to propagate en mass if ppl are hungry

And you can see that eating is the tripwire for that

And it points it into a certain place

So if things get bad

What do we do we hungy

It says to eat these ppl/ complain to them

Like its just arround while everyone is satisfied

But as soon as condition is met sufficiently it becomes a social force

Its a machanism of the social structure with a condition and goal

It only works if necessary tho

Everything is locked like that

Remember value beeing upside down

Its bc

Its labled division

It will be hard to follow without context

Div, but it does the opposite

If you are trying to divide ppl, you do the opposite

If you are trying to unite ppl

Its just a funny joke

You are able to touch them in the first place without getting fried

And you hit the division button bc you had the care and worry of looking at it first and making sure

If you are looking with bad intent, the system has just played you by default

Its locks in reality and its systems which only open and let you observe them when you are yourself at equilibrium

Bc if you are emotionally challenged and swaying like a bich

Like the bike is maybe okai to drive

But you probably wont let somone fly a fighter jet

Those scales will only let you be there if you are within a certain range of what you are touching

Also you cant change the past, its done you got the future

Its looking at other ppls code for refference



I am not trying to make points

, like sometimes

But usually i am noting down footnotes while cocking or something

I am checking if i am going mad more than making points

Altho sometimes i say something interesting



Why i put so much emphasis on the furry thing when slipping into mania

Its bc thats the social peer group slot

If you replace furry with your country it makes sense

Like i put the furry thing thete, exactly bc it looks funny there

Bc its one of the view groups which goes, nah, just fluffy, you are overinterpreting

But under stress i feel like it defaults to putting weight on the group

Like some, i am in trouble, i should find the others

Kinda thing

Like as a German we dont have much of a national identity in this generation

Pride for your country was dialed back after the last wars

The country is just not a thing as in other countries

So i can just place something else there

Which allerts me to whats going on

If i am raving about the social group, i probably fell over that tripwire, bc my behavior makes no sense

If i were just proud to be living where i do

Like that looks fine psychologically

Like i will not give a country access like that again if i can avoid it

Best thing which may happen is i get sent to die

I assume

I certainly notice it there all the time, like its my watch point, and i know why its is there, and what it triggering means



These gummys are a life saver

I can’t sleep without them

Like mine usually puts their feet on mine and haa a pawb on me so i cant get up

And i will still try 7-10 times

Like i am just at unrest

With occasional shaking

Only at the end of the cycle

Like they don’t make me high

But over the level of shaking

I can feel the impus, but i dont shake

Like i will just stay up till i drop and repeat

Its a fight or flight response



Got taken goody


I swear

Even in this weather they take me like flowing water

Calm flowing water

I am so greatfull they are mine



I feel like i dissociate without the hormones and fall into relativism

Like i am not seeing other ppl as ppl bc i myself am not even within my life

Bc i am dissociated

And then i traumatize myself with my own actions and dissociate even more

What cruel fate

May the gods choke on their Ambrosia every time they make such cruel jokes

And spill it onto the least deserving

Like as gels preferably instead of seringes ~


I am beeing mean

To mine i dont like it

I pinned them down and if my penis would work i am sure they would have been taken

Like you can’t stop me even without penis

But i didn’t like how that felt

Like my mood is too off to play with mine and i dont like it

Like its the old pattern of behavior where i ignore ppls limit~


Took the hormones

I feel better

This is a pain, 7 days left

My fingernails are completely bitten down again ~


Like i still

Wouldn’t know what to do with the moneyi would just be causing disequillibrium

To satisfy my boredom

Like what u gonna do with 3 toasters

There is a market limit on money



Its quite dualistic

But thats just bc those are paradigms

Projekt is in the future

And job contains everything from the past

Either i uphold the past or create the future

Like existing now and watching flowers works too

But it would be the same concept as a lobotomy but reversible

The job is what i do in the now

There i am mentally sleeping bc i set the behavior patterns for the job and dissociate

Business as usual

Blame everything onto someone else, i dont know, not qualified, sorry stupid

Like its not kind to do

And it eats the culture like the plague if it copied

But like i am getting personally rich in that framework


And i get

To be a silly kitty in diapis

Like i would obv loose all the friends, so keeping them would also be fun

Like i have just deeply accepted that ppl dont like me no matter what i do

Like i would have great reasoning for everything, like if no one is watching anymore and i just put that on the already established ppl dont like me

But having friends is actually so rewarding  and i love doing things which help ppl

I am perplexed by my cointoss

Like by what outcome i may get

Like yes i could be less extreme and liva normal existence

But what fun is there in making sense

I put project on tails

And work on heads

Bc i remove the furry social slot to not crosspolinate the field if job

And else i keep the tail

Lets see if heads or tails


On the flip side

I may be able to put a global universal basic income up with gatekeeperless employment

And if in a good mood

Make housing arrangements which pay you for living there

Also pretty vr stuff 

I’ll see the results of the flip on the 10th i guess~



May tell

Like if ppl dont want it

I just get personally rich like everyone else

I have tried

I lay down the ideology of everyone is equal which is not that old actually

And tip the scales towards me

I just always felt that would be unfair

So i wanted to do something which helps ppl

Maybe that was naive

Fate may tell

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