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Like itts also a skill thing

Bc that door was snapped not locked

I could probably still have gotten in

Like i had that where i was randomly hooking up with someone

And they were not responding at the time

I was in their apartment before

So i just walked threw the heavy front door and right threw their apartment door

And chilled there

And they eventually come in like

Tf, how did you get in here

My answer was magic:p

So why didnt i

Bc i shouldn’t get a habbit of opening doors like that



Mine was like

Why would you put a extra key in the save

There is someone who has a copy

In this case i could have just strolled by the Gouverment district in Stuttgart and got a key from there

Like their cookies are so goody



I was not saying ppl are stupi

I was saying

If the world is made for the standard person

Everyone below and above standard will have trouble

Above is just harder to sell to



The ppl arround mine

Like i have absolutely nothing against ppl chilling with them

I have a feeling i may have put causion on some ppl

I am just not happy with the one guy which doesnt leave

They call mine at least 3 times a day

Are always arround this area with nothing to do

And probably dont want to be at home

I have absolutely nothing against ppl chilling with mine

That 1 person is just really assertive in wanting to be here and dont leave anymore

Everyone else i have nothing against



Obv i chill with the shady ppl

I am a insatiable brat without my meds

They dont care bout that

But if i have the oppertunity

Like sun is comfy

I am just straining ppls nerves

By default and out of my control

Btw again,thats me not every trans person



Will be treasured

Mine seemed so worried about me locking myself out

God bless their heart

Lke idk they seem to expect ppl with knifes or something

I just saw someone playing a sax in the evening

Its one of the richest places in one of the richest countries

Its quite save here in my book


Got a hat and two plushies

For 11

Did not buy the green vest tho

Bit too big


Did some shopping

Hot chocky with pumpkin cream soup

Cheapest thing on the menu

Still amazing

Healthy ,filling ,warm

I still got some time to kill,

But i forgot where the library is in this city

Its a big white cube

Like mine doesnt like all the ppl in the city

But i am actually quite comfy in high complexity enviroments

,within reason

Mine organized me a spare key

Lets go back to the apartment

Ill just go look if there are thrift stores near

They usually hold accessible value



This device is amost a stone

I can pay with it

Drive public transport

Ask it any question and it has answers

With a smart lock,it can unlock your door

I just dont trust those

It knows the weater and has maps if the entire planet

I can talk to ppl on the different side of the planet

And lasts for like a week depending on use and fits in my pockets

While holding a entire library


Unlimited internet too

Think i am goody


I have

Locked myself out of the house again

Forgot to take me key

Mine will be back in some hours

Lets see what i do today

Ill go shopping for a bit,get some food

Household is already done

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