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I do household now and return later»«







Main net ping is – 10 days

I would like to be in the temporal negatives again

Where i am before the news cycle

It probably propagates in rss Newsletters or something before hitting main

Like the social structure is basically a slow consensus mechanism

The earlier blocks are less concise

And hitting main is basically a true statement

Its like reading wiki leaks before the main news hits


I may make 1 machine

A pure work machine

Or vm or something

Like i wait for a server switch

I want to use a smaller machine for me

And then have the heavier one for ai and vr stuff

Then i can do a sattelite which i do light coding on



I had friends for a sec

, silly



Doing data visualization is great fun in my view


Like it actually g*ves me the security info

Btw there is no appstore installed by default

You could sideload all you want without ever using a store


I am still on my work phone

I need to switch

Like i grab this phone and like it has its routines with it like looking for jobs

I switch the phone and dont even have indeed installed

Like graphene wont let me install yt bc its security is smarter than me

And wont let a app like that work

Like you can feel the technology beeing smarter than the user and i love that

Like i will like look into getting a yt rythm here

On this phone

So i post content and watch

And then switch phones and have my mental calm again

Like fedi etc really dont do the Dopamin hit social network and you can clearly feel the difference

Its like using fur affinity


i like this one

Like i am not looking for money anymore

I am looking for something interesting to do in part time

Btw other one was on comission, not that into that

So I’ll keep applying

So is there a short way to get the rest going

Yes, i make a folder with the code to post a page

And the code of the.. I should just link git and use that for everything

Like i need to add pricing calculations

I need heroku, bc thats live running code

I seee, heroku, put code there, link git

And then goal is

1. I can post projects from my cli and prices get auto calculated, with added donation page

2. I put up a running spreader which shares donations among other projects

So i never touch the money

I can add myself as a payed person in that system, but i dont get the money first

Like i get money from working etc then

So there shouldn’t be a incentive

But i will lock myself out just to be sure


I have

Not been writing with anyone the past time, including posy and i just noticed~



I will be going looking

For some friends soon

Like mine has ppl

And i feel like i should too

Or at least i find like another couple to do something with,

So like you have 2 on 2

We’ll see

Like i noticed i am too lost for existence

So waiting till i am more clear headed may be nonfinite



You are using mules to make those scams

Like i was working at like a thing and was informed ppl do those scams, bc some poor girl had to pay it from her pay

Thats genius

, from a systemic viewpoint

Thats why i dont use WhatsApp

Lets eep

I need to call the knife doc then i eep

Okai knife doc is in 3 months

Like half a year till first appointment

And then probably like another hald till i get the next one

Like i knew it was not now, i just like needed to know when, bc that one i dont want to miss

Bc everything else anymore else can give

Like meds are the same from this or that doc

But like i want them when it comes to cutting arround on my body and making a artificial hole

Btw that will be so painfull

Like u need to stretch it with a dildo kinda thing but its basically a open wound

That will be fun

U know sometimes i think

Tf is my life

Then i turn arround and go

No actually tf is this

And then i get hormones and am just contend with it, like it never existed

I am procrastinating on eeping

Am i stretching that too long, bc i am too lazy to type that letter

I ee

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