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I locked

Myself out again

I got in with a pce of a tuna package

Had to promise not to brag about getting threw doors again

And it opened

I cut my hand and i smell like tuna now>~<~



Do a nmap

There is a way into every machine

Run a vuln db against it maybe

Are ppl usually attacking those

Like yes obv

Ill see ^~^



Do you crowbar your way into a network switch



Is working as always at the end of the cycle


All i

Can do is send them a email

If there is like a phys reset switch i missed somewhere or something


Dont have a

Rollover cable

Wont reset to default

Ssh and telnet time out


The manufacturer software detects is tho





I will try to put the bootloader timeout on the switch higher

Log is empty

Did someone block 22

Noscript was on ~

Still times out tho~


Okai, so the nas

It runs but doesnt seem to detect the monitor for some reason ~

The mouse is blinking

So it seems to have some sort of connection



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