Next step makes a lot of sense
Bc i have the skills, which i can just trade for a better paying position
After that step tho, the amount of time i spend in return for the amount i get increases quite a lot
Meaning, i could work full time, but the amount of money does not have the same effect
Bc like i am just stacking money to travel
Like is travel worth working full time opposed to part time
For me not, like a normal job
The cards which really get me anywhere are then outside of the job market
Bc what becomes really interesting to trade then becomes time
Like lets say you have children to give constraints
If i have less money, but all the time, like thats great with children
But in this case i am surviving, and having time
If i need more money, bc idk school or something, i can just go and work a normal job
Like if i deliniate time, then i can stack those
, not counting that you usually have a partner
Like after the next steps i am basically done with money
But if i make a step and get a card validated, its giving me magical things
Like you can trade time for money, but not money for time
Like yes constraint freedom, but not more lifetime with your child or something
Like i can’t travel and like be well and see all those ppl struggling in all those countries, bc i am chilling behind the European walls of wealth
I need to be able to say, yes, actually i am working on that
Like they dont give a f about me donating to whatever, they want something practical they can use in daily life
Like u cant help everyone, and i am not making a moral argument, it s just to sooth myself
Still, haven’t heard a better idea
Like distributing food or whatever, like ppl are already doing that, you dont need another person there
Like i think worse than sitting somewhere in some dirt road thing in Africa or wherever and starving
Like who knows maybe clishey but wayne
Same point
Is sitting there with a smartphone and seeing the rest of the world eating like
Like expand to all domains of daily life
Like would be cool if i could fix that and distribute jobs, bc, smart ppl are smart everywhere, but they limited by their environment
Like its also cool for us, but for them is high magic
Like we find jobs, but if you in a war zone, u fd or your Gouverment corrupt and business low bc of that
Like no, doesnt matter
Like its a brilliant idea
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