Pedantic, i need to remember everything exactly, which i am not doing
Really useful for sure
But everytime i have seen it used it was to show someone is smart, its like a status symbol
Which like,
My random drifting off probably brings ppls cosmologys into question
I think i am good
Like its the proposition, that you could do anything with that
But the solution to that is actually known since forever, its called writing something down
Which you should do anyways if its so important
Like if you want to be efficent use visual thinking instead of linguistic one x more data
Like i guess it’s me beeing really estranged and petrified by our school system
And disregarding and devaluing its central method
Bc f u for forcing me to do that
I will devalue your symbol structure weight at oppertunity
But like, i have not seen a good reason for doing all the exact remembering
Like if it was so important, who did the stock market exploiting, i would remember, but i dont, i haven’t seen anything that important, which wasn’t written down somewhere,
And if it isnt, it should, which takes 10 sec
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