
3/3 of sorting are done, lets start the nect instance

1/3 [1]

Now i need to get what i want to take with me

Sort out what i dont want

And then so trash an store the rest, packaging etc

Like i want premade parcels for when i am moving

And then i can push in the last button on the job finding

Like cp Ing job requirements

Like i copy paste the requirements for the jobs, the company’s are putting out

If they dont take me, its not bc of me, its bc of their arbitraryness

Bc i literally copyed their requirements

Like i cant optimize any further

But i should also be ready to scedule interview appointments

Like i was considering sorting today, but it looked like rain

So i do it tomorrow

Like 1-2 days and i should be done, perfectly within scedule

Like i have a meeting on the weekend, so that fits well

Like its like requiring a degree on a job which really doesn’t need one

Its saying, we don’t want stupid ppl, but we are not allowed to say that

And the same way, they are putting that in, i am putting that in

But that obviously requires not beeing stupid, else latest at the interview your out anyways

Like next week i want everything ready

So i am only looking for a job

And i can gracefully take the push of kyla coming over, and level out the motivation

And its doesn’t get funneled into random side stuff

But propels me into the next level






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