
Basically its 1 step and things are secure

Bc i can move later, but with the job, moving is more of a technicality

I get the ability to go everywhere, buy mostly anything, and actually have the time to do so

And i have a great IT set up with a good internet connection after moving, like not only good, but banking city good internet

So like working remotely is no thing of capacity, especially with a nas

Like yes, i can claim all that work related in my internal justifications

Like 1 step and i have basically no limits within reason

Like there is a temporal thing, but like cant do much about mortality and its friends

But like from there to completely time indipendent

Like thats strolling along a lakeshore

So like i use Obsidian to make a list of pros to motivate me to actually move on Monday

Like i should travel while i am still young

I’ll probably take a tab later and do the adjustments for the last jump

Like this amazing weather is really helping me with sorting, like so motivating

Like i was actually waiting for that, bc i knew that, but like i like






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