I could clean up and get someone
But males are so horny
Like me too, but its a different kind
I need someone in the area tho
Yeah and theres the issue, i am in the middle of nowhere
Ah we ll see
I will define a clean level i can be comfy in and then just be high and keep that up next month
Bc like things have a sense of sliding when u high
Like the lights should help me orientiert based on daytime
Like i am not doing Spot thats a big issue, bc its so cold outside rn, like it snowing again
So this week my sleep rythm should stabalize bc of the lights
Like today is odd, but it will get there
And with that stable i can actually plan activities
Like i can put blocks in for like project management etc
Now i have something to Orient it by
Like those lights are quite useful to me
Like u use sheer will, i use fairy lights
I am good with that
Like from there, add bookkeeping
And the axis of sleep and money should be looking gloomy
From there we can proceed to higher things
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