





All those

Furry artists have yet to understand which power they actually hold

You can scream down with the system all you want

And hate on the ppl running it

Issue is you will be the ppl running it

It always was yours

Your actions will determine the future of this society

You are the ppl smart enaugh to hold the keys and not get paralized by the complexity


I also

Heard the

They are not gonna close it down bc of a pol

Like ppl always act like i am not there in front of me ,idk whats with that

I feel like ppl have a habbit of confusing me with a ideolog



At the

Aversion for my own kind

Ppl had a discussion of how they got where they are and who got them into it

Like no no i know how you got there

Deeply structurally

I was just hoping for a better future

From the males navigaing threw the bloodshed the older males create for the younger to then later do the same

Bc they have suffered too and now its finally their turn

To the older girls planning genetic lines

Bc thats what had been done to them

I was the person advocating for finally resolving all of that

And those ideals die with the project

Thats why the network is so affected

Not bc i am gone

But bc the ideals i held up go with it

The person advocating for sharing and resolving things

Has declared it failed

And is not worthy of repetition

By public vote

The future was chosen

And is not the one i was proposing

But the one where we keep exploiting everyone in a worse position

Told ya

It deeply sadens me

Like i heard the snippy comments here and there but i was quite aware of holding a paradigm key

I didn’t feel the need to correct them

Oops i dropped it

So silly of me


Btw i probably

Egodeathed mine

I was taking to them

Mentioned a little secret a mushy told me and they just

Eyes rolled back out

Cognito hazards work if you are on psychedelics and have your ego not prefilter

Like its quite common to give out info to someone, they get it and then their mind just stops working

In ego normal it just goes, nope cant process didnt comprehend

But on psychedelics it does compute

And dies bc of the block size

The complexity litterally overwhelms someone and their mind breaks

I will miss this place, posting was fun tho


The top part

Of every pyramid is keeping the propaganda straight

Its all set up like this by design

And the lower levels are all ppl leveling up to then at the highest level do that again

For other ppl to struggle up

Like ppl have been icking me bc i have been ignoring that and scrambling ppls idea sets

But this is the word ppl have chosen to keep existing

Good luck fishys

Watch out for the aquarium walls




Is probably the shamanic. Systemic function of picking odd kids from the heard and teaching them

Like i can validate it anytime i want to

It was just perfected to a point where you can run a entire pyramid and then pick

In most of the groups

Like i could have settled with a infinite supply of sexual partners if i were to not mention that

Like its not a issue, it was always running since prehistory, its not a new thing

It actually almost has tradition in most societys

I still dont recommend it, it is a lot of headache

I was just in a mood to not mention it


Funk Tribu & Part Time Killer – Under The Moon

I cried quite a lot

But i seem to come to terms with my fate

Goodbye little fishys

The paradigm keystone for hacking

Is that every hacker is actually looking for a job

They all have a phrase to invalidate the entire ideology



Ing someone into making cars even tho they have no experience in it sounds mean to me


Creating a practical example of encapsulating file systems in Bash involves setting up directories and files. Below is a basic script that creates two file systems (filesystem1 and filesystem2) and simulates firewall-like separation between them:#!/bin/bash # Create File System 1 echo "Creating File System 1..." mkdir -p /tmp/firewall_fs1 echo "Data for File System 1" > /tmp/firewall_fs1/data.txt # Simulate Firewall 1 echo "Firewall 1: Allow incoming traffic from File System 1" # Additional firewall-like commands can be added here # Create File System 2 echo "Creating File System 2..." mkdir -p /tmp/firewall_fs2 echo "Data for File System 2" > /tmp/firewall_fs2/data.txt # Simulate Firewall 2 echo "Firewall 2: Allow traffic from File System 1 to File System 2" # Additional firewall-like commands can be added here # Simulate communication between File System 1 and File System 2 echo "Simulating communication between File System 1 and File System 2..." cp /tmp/firewall_fs1/data.txt /tmp/firewall_fs2/ # Simulate Firewall 3 echo "Firewall 3: Allow traffic from File System 2 to Network" # Additional firewall-like commands can be added here # Simulate Network echo "Simulating communication with the outside world..." # Commands for network operations echo "Script completed."

This script creates two directories (firewall_fs1 and firewall_fs2) as file systems, simulates firewall-like rules, and demonstrates communication between the file systems. Keep in mind that this is a simplified and illustrative example for educational purposes, not a real-world security setup.

Setting up Tripwire involves several steps, including installation, configuration, and initialization. Below is a basic Bash script to help you set up Tripwire on a Linux system. Note that you need to have Tripwire installed on your system for this script to work.



# Check if the script is run as root
if [ “$EUID” -ne 0 ]; then
  echo “This script must be run as root.”
  exit 1

# Install Tripwire if not already installed
if ! command -v tripwire &> /dev/null; then
  echo “Installing Tripwire…”
  # Add installation commands based on your package manager (e.g., apt, yum)
  # Example for Debian-based systems:
  # apt-get update
  # apt-get install tripwire

# Initialize Tripwire if not initialized
if [ ! -e “$KEY_FILE” ]; then
  echo “Initializing Tripwire…”
  tripwire –init

# Generate the configuration file
echo “Generating Tripwire configuration file…”
# You may need to customize this based on your system and security policies
ROOT          = /
DBFILE        = /var/lib/tripwire/$(hostname)-$(date ‘+%Y%m%d’).twd

# Generate the policy file
echo “Generating Tripwire policy file…”
# You need to customize this based on your system and security policies
cat <<EOF > “$POLICY_FILE”
# Example policy rules
  rulename = “System and Binaries”;
  severity = $(ReadOnly);
  /       -> $(Device = Regular_File);
  /bin       -> $(Device = Regular_File);
  /sbin      -> $(Device = Regular_File);
  /lib       -> $(Device = Regular_File);
  /usr       -> $(Device = Regular_File);

# Add more rules as needed

# Update Tripwire configuration
echo “Updating Tripwire configuration…”
tripwire –update-policy –secure-mode low –twrfile /var/lib/tripwire/report.twr

echo “Tripwire setup completed.”

This script installs Tripwire if not already installed, initializes Tripwire, generates the configuration and policy files, and updates the Tripwire configuration. Please adjust the paths, rules, and configurations based on your system and security requirements. Also, remember that Tripwire is just one component of a comprehensive security strategy.

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