
Calm down the internet in the area is overwhelmed again

Like a local area only has a certain amount of bandwith

Like that happens quite a bit but now i can call it out

I have unlimited data,but the other phone is running on the wifi

Like at some point i noticed ,i need to buy things before i post them,else they out of stock~

I hoped a bigger city had better infrastructure


I was

Slight of pawb distracting you from the malificence of the situation with a diapi



Everyone is the same is control pyramidic


Meat looses taste when it gets stressed

At least thats how i argued ppl down to better conditions

Its to keep ppl calm

We are litterally using ppl as batterys

I was just nice enaugh to leave that hologram up



Every society

Is usually quite mean to all marginalized groups including smart ppl

So there is a genuine impuls to make those ppl suffer again

Which is what all those ppl are doing

I was advocating to still treat them humanely instead of like cattle

It seems i failed





Made it a habbit to always stop at red lights and wait no matter what

Now i saw other ppl do it here too

I will rewrite that to be just move over

Such a shame,i liked it

Like creative ppl are usually quite visibe

Ppl follow whatever the smart ppl are doing


Duck season




Ef girl

You are still doing gods work

Keep going,dont be demoralized

But like work on your internal data security pls

They were shown to me

And i declined

So someone is probably concerned about it

Threat zones or somethig


I kinda

Wanna keep going but i promised id accept the result



You can lower the lsd prices again

Its a

You up then lower ina wave cycle

If you up ,you trade demand for profit

So you made money ,now you make it really cheap again

U get me

Bc i was driving prices up selling


Like i realized

When i was in mania and was planning to take down the swift network and was discussing attack angles

And they came out with a plan to mitigate that a week later

There were also some adaptions when i was planning to build nuclear weapons

And giving out how easy it would be to make one



All those companys are folowing my sway down

Bc they usually cant hold the keys and i was giving info for free

Thats why vcs are looking for those ppl

And preferably young enaugh to groom them

*caugh* incubate them i mean

They were following me up too,it was so pretty to watch things get better~

Thats also why i was always so in the unspoken

Bc that officxialy isnt happening

My audience was never consumers,it was producers

Thats also why my numbers were relativeley low for the amount of sway i have

It was like a handfull of ppl who managed this enire enviromental thing and started it

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