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Given the constraints of this environment where direct execution of Python scripts with dynamic external inputs is not feasible, I'll simulate what the standard output (stdout) of the script would look like when running with the example sequence provided in the `read_sequence_from_input()` function.

Assuming the sequence is `[1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]` and using the placeholder values for autocorrelation, runs test Z-score, and entropy from the script, here's how the stdout would appear:

Original Data Stream: â– â–¡â– â– â–¡â– â–¡â–¡â– â– 
Autocorrelation (Lag 1): 0.3 â– â– â– â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡
Runs Test Z-Score: 0.82 â– â– â– â– â– â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡
Entropy: 0.6931471805599453 â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–¡

This output begins with the "Original Data Stream" line, visually depicting the input sequence using filled (■) and not filled (□) cubes for `True` (1) and `False` (0) values, respectively. It then presents each calculated metric—autocorrelation, runs test Z-score, and entropy—alongside a visual representation scaled to a maximum of 10 cubes. The number of filled cubes corresponds proportionally to the metric's value relative to its maximum possible value or significance threshold, providing an intuitive visualization of the sequence's characteristics and the results of the analyses.
Piping data into a Python script typically involves reading from standard input (stdin), allowing the script to process data passed to it via a command-line pipeline. To adapt the example Python script to accept piped input, you would modify the `read_sequence_from_input()` function to read from stdin instead of a predefined array. Below is an adapted version of the script that reads a sequence of `1`s and `0`s from stdin, interprets them as boolean values, and performs the described analyses.

### Adapted Python Script for Piping

import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import entropy

def read_sequence_from_stdin():
    # Reads a line from stdin and converts it into a numpy array of integers (0s and 1s)
        input_sequence = input().strip()  # Reads input from stdin
        sequence = np.array([int(x) for x in input_sequence.split() if x in ['0', '1']])
        return sequence
    except ValueError:
        print("Input sequence must consist of 0s and 1s separated by spaces.")

def calculate_entropy(sequence):
    _, counts = np.unique(sequence, return_counts=True)
    probabilities = counts / len(sequence)
    return entropy(probabilities, base=2)

# Placeholder functions for calculate_autocorrelation and calculate_runs_test_z_score
# Implement these functions based on your specific requirements

def generate_visualization(value, max_value, total_cubes=10):
    filled_cubes = round((value / max_value) * total_cubes)
    return 'â– ' * filled_cubes + 'â–¡' * (total_cubes - filled_cubes)

def main():
    sequence = read_sequence_from_stdin()
    # Placeholder values for demonstration
    autocorrelation = 0.3  # Implement actual calculation
    runs_test_z_score = 0.82  # Implement actual calculation
    sequence_entropy = calculate_entropy(sequence)
    original_stream_visual = ''.join(['â– ' if x == 1 else 'â–¡' for x in sequence])
    autocorrelation_visual = generate_visualization(abs(autocorrelation), 1)
    runs_test_z_visual = generate_visualization(runs_test_z_score, 1.96)
    entropy_visual = generate_visualization(sequence_entropy, 1)  # Assuming max entropy value as 1 for binary
    print("Original Data Stream:", original_stream_visual)
    print("Autocorrelation (Lag 1):", autocorrelation, autocorrelation_visual)
    print("Runs Test Z-Score:", runs_test_z_score, runs_test_z_visual)
    print("Entropy:", sequence_entropy, entropy_visual)

if __name__ == "__main__":

### How to Pipe Data to This Script

1. **Prepare your data:** Make sure your data is in a format the script expects. For this script, your data should be a sequence of `1`s and `0`s separated by spaces (e.g., `1 0 1 1 0 1`).

2. **Run the script:** Save the script to a file, for example, ``. Then, you can pipe data into it using a command line. Here's how you might echo a sequence into the script:

echo "1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1" | python

3. **View the output:** The script reads the piped input, performs the analyses, and outputs the results and their visual representations to stdout.

This approach enables the flexible use of the script with various data sources, allowing for dynamic data analysis and visualization through command-line pipelines.






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