This may

Shred a box

Certainly! To prevent the script from potentially affecting system components, you can add a safety check to ensure that the generated command doesn’t start with a critical system command (e.g., rm, mv, etc.). Here’s the modified script with this safety check:#!/bin/bash # Fetch command names from the /bin folder commands=($(ls /bin)) # File to store executed combinations executed_file="executed_combinations.txt" # Function to generate combinations and check execution generate_and_check_combinations() { local combination="$1" # Safety check to prevent affecting system components if [[ $combination =~ (^|\|)\s*(rm|mv|cp|chmod|chown|dd)\s* ]]; then echo "Unsafe combination detected: $combination" return fi local result=$(eval "$combination" 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Check for duplicate before saving if ! grep -Fxq "$combination" "$executed_file"; then echo "Executing: $combination" echo "$combination" >> "$executed_file" echo "Combination executed and saved." else echo "Combination already executed: $combination" fi else echo "Combination failed: $combination" fi } # Infinite loop for continuous checking while true; do # Generate a random combination (replace this with your logic) random_combination="" for ((i=0; i<3; i++)); do if [ $((RANDOM % 2)) -eq 0 ]; then random_combination+=" /bin/${commands[$((RANDOM % ${#commands[@]}))]}" fi if [ $((RANDOM % 2)) -eq 0 ]; then random_combination+=" | " fi done # Check and save the combination generate_and_check_combinations "$random_combination" # Display the size of the executed_combinations.txt file file_size=$(du -h "$executed_file" | cut -f1) echo "Size of $executed_file: $file_size" # Adjust sleep duration based on your needs sleep 1 done

This safety check ensures that the generated command doesn’t contain certain critical system commands before attempting to execute it. Adjustments can be made based on your specific safety requirements.


# Fetch command names from the /bin folder
commands=($(ls /bin))

# File to store executed combinations

# Function to generate combinations and check execution
generate_and_check_combinations() {
    local combination=”$1″

    # Safety check to prevent affecting system components
    if [[ $combination =~ (^|\|)\s*(rm|mv|cp|chmod|chown|dd)\s* ]]; then
        echo “Unsafe combination detected: $combination”

    local result=$(eval “$combination” 2>/dev/null)

    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        # Check for duplicate before saving
        if ! grep -Fxq “$combination” “$executed_file”; then
            echo “Executing: $combination”
            echo “$combination” >> “$executed_file”
            echo “Combination executed and saved.”
            echo “Combination already executed: $combination”
        echo “Combination failed: $combination”

# Infinite loop for continuous checking
while true; do
    # Generate a random combination (replace this with your logic)

    for ((i=0; i<3; i++)); do
        if [ $((RANDOM % 2)) -eq 0 ]; then
            random_combination+=” /bin/${commands[$((RANDOM % ${#commands[@]}))]}”
        if [ $((RANDOM % 2)) -eq 0 ]; then
            random_combination+=” | “
    # Check and save the combination
    generate_and_check_combinations “$random_combination”

    # Display the size of the executed_combinations.txt file
    file_size=$(du -h “$executed_file” | cut -f1)
    echo “Size of $executed_file: $file_size”

    # Adjust sleep duration based on your needs
    sleep 1






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