Like thing is

I dont get the refferences of my age group here

I havent seen the meme

About farmers protesting or whatever

Like i get posy

But i have a feeling that posy may be in a simular situation

Like its probably a statical thing

And now you add intelligence distribution

Last category

So the ppl i vibe with are

2% out of 10%

Add that i should look for female friends bc i am a female now and we have the same interests

Like the science gets fluffy there

But you get the idea

Me meeting someone i vibe with is statistically unlikely

Like life is more than that, but it makes beeing understood unlikely

Like i have long settled with that

But i feel like its confusing mine

Like they noticed i have the ability to manage social environments and i actually get a not low status position in hyrarchys of competence

Why am i not socializing

Bc 90 %++ of ppl i have no interest in

, not saying i am mean or thinking less

Just that some ppl. Like apples and some oranges

I am happy if mine has a good conversation

But i dont expect normal ppl to wanna talk about system axioms and cultural myth cycles

Like didn’t that same news cycle everyone is talking about play out the same some months ago

Like i would be demistifyng the peer group in a sentence

Which they don’t like

Like i am waiting for someone to say something actually interesting

Like the current news have for me the same value as someone miauing at me

The miau is shorter and more insightful

Bc you can read the tonal inflections from it

But like there are obviously more ppl talking about the news

Like i am social

I just rarely have a reason to be social

Like i dont want mine to worry tho~

Like i will try to make a cake and get it to her mum, she already gave us the 2nd cake

Like they so yummy

But i should send one back already ~






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