
Woke up

Mine smoked the last weed

So i sat on her

I told her i love her

She asked why

Its bc i love you, silly

Even if you smoke the last weed

Then she told me she smoked the last 2 weed

She gets spankies

Like she so cute sometimes

Like she hides when she randomly buys weed

But when she notices i am not mad at her

She still tells me

Like she has the impuls of,

I did something and i am gonna get punished and hides the evidence

But then she doesn’t

Like she probably doesn’t know why, bc its repeated and she still hides it

Like yes, stop spending random money on drugs, i agree

But i will never punish her for that

Weed is great, the consumption method is just deadly

Meaning smoking it

Unfortunately its gone now

Still love her to death






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