Certainly! Implementing a trading and negotiation system based on past experiences adds depth to your game's economy and character interactions. Below, I'll outline a basic example of how you can achieve this in Godot using GDScript.

### Step 1: Define Item Class

First, let's create a class to represent items that can be traded. Each item will have properties such as name, value, and type.

# Item.gd
extends Resource


class_name Item

var name : String
var value : int
var type : ItemType

func _init(name: String, value: int, type: ItemType):
    self.name = name
    self.value = value
    self.type = type

### Step 2: Implement Trading and Negotiation

Next, let's create a system for characters to trade items with each other and negotiate prices based on past experiences.

# Character.gd

extends Node

var inventory = []
var currency = 0

# Trading function
func trade(other_character: Node, offered_items: Array, requested_items: Array):
    # Calculate total value of offered and requested items
    var offered_value = calculate_items_value(offered_items)
    var requested_value = calculate_items_value(requested_items)
    # Check if the trade is fair based on past experiences
    var fair_trade = negotiate_trade(other_character, offered_value, requested_value)
    if fair_trade:
        # Transfer items and currency
        transfer_items(other_character, offered_items, requested_items)
        transfer_currency(other_character, requested_value - offered_value)
        other_character.transfer_currency(self, offered_value - requested_value)
        # Negotiation failed
        print("Negotiation failed!")

# Calculate total value of items
func calculate_items_value(items: Array) -> int:
    var total_value = 0
    for item in items:
        total_value += item.value
    return total_value

# Negotiate trade based on past experiences
func negotiate_trade(other_character: Node, offered_value: int, requested_value: int) -> bool:
    # Example: Perform negotiation based on relationship level between characters
    var relationship_level = 0
    if relationship_level >= 0: # Good relationship
        return true
    else: # Poor relationship
        return offered_value >= requested_value * 0.9 # Accept if offered value is at least 90% of requested value

# Transfer items between characters
func transfer_items(other_character: Node, offered_items: Array, requested_items: Array):
    # Remove offered items from self's inventory and add them to other_character's inventory
    for item in offered_items:
        if inventory.has(item):

    # Remove requested items from other_character's inventory and add them to self's inventory
    for item in requested_items:
        if other_character.inventory.has(item):

# Transfer currency between characters
func transfer_currency(other_character: Node, amount: int):
    if currency >= amount:
        currency -= amount
        other_character.currency += amount

### Step 3: Use Trading System

Now, you can use the trading system in your game environment. For example, you can call the `trade` function when characters interact with each other and attempt to trade items.

# Environment.gd

extends Node

func _ready():
    # Example: Character interactions
    var character1 = $Character1
    var character2 = $Character2
    var offered_items = [Item.new("Sword", 50, ItemType.WEAPON)]
    var requested_items = [Item.new("Shield", 40, ItemType.ARMOR)]
    character1.trade(character2, offered_items, requested_items)

By implementing these steps, you create a trading and negotiation system where characters can exchange items and negotiate prices based on their past experiences and relationship levels. Adjust the specifics to match your game's mechanics and design.






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