not debugged

[root@sharyng JB]# cat

echo "Welcome to the Jewelbox Script"
echo "This script performs operations and modifies file lines based on the provided mathematical operator."
echo "Operations:"
echo "+ : Add a single line to a file. You'll be prompted to enter the line content and the target file path."
echo "- : Remove a single line from a file. You'll be prompted to enter the line number and the target file path."
echo "* : Remove multiple lines from a file. You'll be prompted to enter the file path containing line numbers to remove and the target file path."
echo "/ : Add multiple lines to a file. You'll be prompted to enter the file path containing lines to add and the target file path."
echo "Please provide an operator (+, -, *, /):"

# Directly read the operator from stdin
read operator

# Function to invoke with the operator
invoke_core() {

# Execute logic based on the operator
case $operator in
        echo "You chose to add a line. Please enter the line content:"
        read line_content
        echo $line_content>>destinations.txt
                echo "You chose to remove a line. Please enter the line content:"
                read line_content
                sed -i "/$line_content/d" "sed -i ~/destinations.txt"
        echo "You chose to remove multiple lines. Please enter the filepath containing line numbers to remove (one per line):"
        read line_numbers_filepath
        echo "Enter the target filepath to modify:"
        read filepath
        mv filepath /destinations.txt
        while IFS= read -r line_number; do
            sed -i "${line_number}d" "$filepath"
        done < "$line_numbers_filepath"
        echo "Lines removed from $filepath."
        echo "You chose to add multiple lines. Please enter the filepath containing lines to add (one per line):"
        read lines_to_add_filepath
        echo "Enter the target filepath to modify:"
        read filepath
        mv filepath /destinations.txt
        cat "$lines_to_add_filepath" >> "$filepath"
        echo "Lines added to $filepath."
        echo "Invalid operator. Please use +, -, *, or /."
        exit 1

# Invoke with the operator after performing the action






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