But that

View is fundamentally reductive

Bc it operates in a vacuum

I once geared like one of the stock ppl saying

The crypto funding is probably the overspill from the normal fiat economy,which makes sense

So what I feel like

Is that the old naturally decaying culture is slowly decaying ,and therefore moving value into the next environmentally adapted field of value

We are actually in the process of using a separating dualism in form if the roman opposition counter culture

To propagate the system

Like we are basically literally, yes,in language, building the future

They corrupt by nature, but at least we should start with something in

Livable conditions from a empathic standpoint

BC measuring by the weakest is like measuring by the inner and literal child

Yes blank slate fallacy, children can be really evil

Like we don’t need more suffering

And the only thing which truly heals is connection and sharing






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