
So we were at the diapi thingy

Was fun

Were eating

Also went somewhere mine was when they were younger, was good for them i feel like, to be there again, with me

See things again

was interesting

Like i am usually not that much of a ppl person

Forget my hormones tho

For a bit mine was just petting me while i was shaking

Bc thats my dmt ptsd which comes back without the hormones, in certain places

I start shaking, bc i get waves of fear, from waves of pure understanding

I already had forgotten it existed

Bc the hormones are usually working

Which is good

Like i am not just a self righteous brat

I get hit with understanding at any sign of malificence, without hormones

Like mine was talking to me

And was like

My heart beats faster, my breathing is quicker

And i was like

Yeah thats when you see a bigger block of reality, its physically scary

But ppl were nice, it was quite fun^~^

I am just not that much of a ppl person i feel like






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