Did The Future Already Happen? – The Paradox of Time

They used the paper analog i couldn’t find a example of

This is couched in the subject object distinction

The block is a object and the subject is in it

There is the possibility of something happening, a possibility block

And a actuallity block

But now, everything is multidimensional and hyper objects

The possibility block is multiple actuallity blocks

In which the possibilitys which didnt happen are as existing as the ones which do

They are all in super position

The individual has their actuallity block,

But one perception is different from another

Its assuming a static mechanistic clock like universe, its atomistic

The actuallity block as a whole counting all individuals, is multiple contradicting hyper actuallitys

All existing and all equally valid

I may think its red, but the next person sees it as grey

Both are actuallity

Both can be true and false at the same time

But the probability spaces and actuallity spaces, which are just there so the individual has a point to relate to

Are all entity and non entity existing

Like language starts breaking down at that level, its a linguistic limitation

If we redefine existence as including non existence, as a abstraction space

Like math, it doesnt exist physically , but it exists

Then it makes more sense

But you need to subscript everything below which is usual individual perception of existence within abstraction

So lets define 1 as hyper existence and the other can stay as it is

Then it should make more sense

But ppl stop listening and comprehending

Bc you used the word hyper

And they dont know what that should mean, its fuzzy language

Like coders have no issue with that, they can just define new variables with meaning

But in general ppl dont do that

They use the authority sanctioned terms which have peer group validity and verification

Meaning, if they havent heard it on tv 10 times, its probably not real






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