
You are smart but everything you touch magically dies

So girls in their usual fixing guys manner obviously went

Actually why does everything die

If i can fix that, that would actually be interesting

So after the 2nd girl trying that it was already routine

Like i really think its related to that brain part which regulates hormone production and heat regulation

Bc i am currently just radiating heat, and it gets normal with the seringe

And thats probably why i am so eepy all the time

Bc i am just randomly burning all that energy

Like it could be a survival adaptation

Bc like flu etc, are heat sensitive

Thats why you get fevers, its your body trying to burn out all the attackers

So either its constantly thinking there is a infection or something

Or its just malfunctioning and upheating for no reason

Or its a survival adaptation, where higher body temp has proven useful in reproduction, bc you get less illnesses at a higher temp

Like just regarding me, in general its a multi varryed issue

But that doesnt explain why everything magically dies

Probably Impulse control, which is also managed by that






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