Like i knew about

This function

I just heard somewhere the rpc has update issues, so i went away from using it

But like

We are doing this

Based on the wallet amount

Whatever you send

Gets split onto all registered adresses

Like there are other sys configuration things, based on where it operates,

But that is core

The computer just distributes money

Among a team, company, different projects or societys

It doesn’t care, it shares

And then ontop of that, we can run capitalism

Its scale is global and its concept easily understandable

No one is juged or gatekept based on anything

Like in the beginning single servers can apply their own moderation and we will see how that plays out as a case study

I still want that fedi server~

The code does not care

Like if you cant say no, you are not been given a option, then you have no other option

With for instance work

You cant just stop

And companys need desperation, have you tried to apply to a job lately?

So the idea is, we just base line level the entire global system

And then we can look again at what a job should look like






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