Like i got some errors

But the phx server is compiling

The poison library seems to be missing in the mix.exs

Like i am reformating it to be a api, which calles the monero api

Like the local code is janky but works already

I want something we can put onto a server and call it like a api

Like i am still not decided on rust or elixir

Actually why would i need to call that code like a api?

I dont.

It just needs to use the rpc instead off my prototype cli tinkering

Like the bash is fine for internal testing

If we push it, we can rewrite it to rust

Aaah i see why rust, it compiles down to assembly

Btw why the team member field is not filled out

Is bc i gave posy the code to review

But i never heard anything about it, so i just pushed it like this

Like idk which name she want on there, same with miss shark

Those are names i have given them, they probably want to use their own chosen names






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